Orange Purple Sky (Inspired by Windbreaker)

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The final match for the semi finals just ended. Our team were able to take down Class-A in a very close race, and in the end, we won and took the victory with pride.

Not gonna lie, it wasn't that easy. There was even an accident because of Sudou's aggressive pedaling, and Hirata got involve in it, resulting to his head injury. Luckily, the damage wasn't too severe and he's doing fine after that.

I said that, but one thing about him has changed. His language. The way he talks is not something you'd hear from the sweet, kind-hearted and mannered Hirata.

[The race for the group five is now in progress! Class-B overtakes Class-C once again!]

"The race is so close, I have no idea who's gonna come in first."

"Woah, group five's race is pretty intense too."

"Not to mention, Class-C's strategy is so detailed..."

"I'm off."

Grabbing my bike and helment, I strode off the tracks and began to take my early leave.

"Huh? Already? Hey, watch this race before you go."

"I'm too tired to do that. Tell me how they raced later..."

I have no other reason to stay any longer. Since Sudou and Yousuke plan on watching the entirety of the match, they can just tell me the details after. I spent too much energy during the race, and my legs are in pain. Plus, I can feel my body already drenched in sweat, so might as well go back to the dorms immediately and take a bath.

"Listen to that son of a bitch. I'm tired too, can't he see that I'm injured?"


While I'm nearing the exit, I tried to look around for a little bit, searching for a specific person within the crowd at the area, but I didn't see her.

"I guess she didn't come today..."

I could feel my hand tightly gripping on the gloves. Defeated, I rode my bike and went back to the dormitory, passing by some students along the way.

Ahead the bricked road and trees lined up on each side of the path, I came accross a large building right next to the convenient store. And what caught my eyes is the person heading towards the rooftop via stairs right on the outer side of the building. Turns out it was her who I was looking for at the track field earlier.

"Matsushita? What is she doing there?"

I skid my bike and stopped right in front of building's entrance. I looked up and noticed that the sun dissapeared into the clouds, slowly turning the sky to dark gray, a sign that a rain is slowly approaching. I made sure to lock my bike to keep it safe before entering building and took the same stairs up leading to the rooftop.

"Even the weather sucks..."

I opened the door and hears her mumbling all by herself. She gently leans her body against the railing while expressing her displeasure towards the condition of the upcoming weather.

"Whatever, I'll just get rained on."

"What are you mumbling about alone?"

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