Start from the beginning

"Uh..." He hesitated, feeling exposed under her gaze. It felt weird seeing her in her uniform without her mask. To think that this woman who he'd grown up with was a superhero - a superhero he'd admired. How long had she actually been a hero? Sure, Silk's only been publicly active for about three years. But how long was she doing work from the shadows? It made him think back to every day that she'd been tired or almost fallen asleep in class. "I'm here to patrol with you?"

A frown formed on her lips. It contorted her features into a mix between disappointment and irritation. Had he done something wrong? Was she still upset about earlier, with Flash and the backboard? She hadn't seemed upset when she found him talking to Eddie. Maybe she was just a good actor. He swallowed the lump in his throat. "You're done, L/N."


"I said, you're done. I'm not training you anymore."

"I don't understand...?"

She rolled her eyes. "Jesus, do I have to spell it out for you? You're not a hero, you will never be a hero. Not as long as I'm alive—"

"What the fuck is this?" He threw his arms up in frustration. "Is this about today? In the gym? 'Cause that's not fair—"

"This is about you, L/N!" She glared at him, pushing herself away from the desk to take a step closer to him. "I don't want to train you. So give your suit back and go home."

He stared at her with incredibility. This couldn't be happening. Was he having his superhero privileges revoked? His jaw clenched as he glared at her. This wasn't fair. All because he broke a backboard at school? All because he made a fool out of Flash...? It all dawned on him.

This was because of Flash.

He'd embarrassed her friend. And now she was taking it out on him. That fuck? His glare on her sharpened. "Well, I'm sorry I made your stupid boyfriend upset." He pulled the backpack from his shoulder and began fishing out his suit.

Her eyebrows furrowed. "What're you talking about?"

"I assume this is because of Flash? Because I made him look like an ass today."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "This isn't about Flash or anyone but you."

"Then what the fuck did I do?! Because I'd love to know!"

"I am not training a friend how to get themselves killed!"

"Oh, but you'd train a stranger?"

"Yes!" She shouted, her eyes wide with anger and frustration. "Gladly! Because it's not my problem if they die on this job. They sign up and they know the risks and I don't see the ripple." Her frown started to grow sad. When she looked at Y/N, she saw his family. She saw his aunt and uncle and Gwen. She saw herself. "I don't see the ripple and I sleep fine at night."

He stared up at her. Part of him didn't know how to feel. How could she be so easy to train a stranger for this but not someone she knew? Shouldn't training someone you knew be easier? You knew their limits and when to push and stop pushing. He wished he could see inside her mind, just to find an inkling behind her reasoning. Pulling the suit out of his backpack, he tossed it towards her. "Here's your suit." His voice was quiet as he zipped his backpack up and slung it over his shoulder. "I'll see ya tomorrow, Cindy."

"Bye, Y/N." Her own voice was quiet as she watched him turn and leave the factory. She set the suit down on Leo's desk. Her hand reached up to pinch the bridge of her nose with a soft sigh.

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