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"Noone excepted an angle to set the world on fire"

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"Noone excepted an angle to set the world on fire"



"Angle Kril"



"Job role?"


"You are free to enter"

The guard gave him his ID back as a blonde man closed his window and drove to the gates of 'The Supernatural labs'

"Goodmorning sir. How can I help you?"

The receptionist asked

"I'm here for my new job. Caretaker"

"Your ID please"

He handed her his ID
She scanned it and handed it back

"Welcome abroad Mr Kril . We will send someone to show you around. Could you please wait a moment?"

He simply nodded

Few minutes later
A brown haired boy came

"Goodmorning Mr Kril. I'm Nathan Harper. I'll be the one showing you around. So let's go"

"Let's go"

Nathan showed Angle his living quarter, cafeteria and now they were heading for the labs

"If you don't mind if I asked you. Why did you choose this field? I mean it's pretty dangerous"

Nathan asked

"I simply have interest in them. The way they  differ from us humans, their abilities and the list goes on"

The brunet hummed in response

"Do you know anything about your supernatural prisoner ?"

"Yeah few things I read. She's a girl, can produce white fire from her palms that were proved to actually heal anything but its also pretty dangerous. She can burn you with it like normal fire but ten times worse"

"Woah....that's crazy! My prisoner can manipulate water like move it without anything or anyone touch it"


The two men stopped at big window wall
'E12' was written in white led light about the cell

In the cell
Sat a brunette
Her back on the wall behind her
Her head hung low as her chocolate brown hair covered her face
She wore a beige jacket that had chains keeping her in place

"So here end your tour. You should start now and so I am. See you later"

"Yeah bye"

Angle entered using the key card given to him earlier
Looking around
There was a bed in the corner of the room
It was dirty and probably broken too
All the walls were white except the one infront of her
Which was glass

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