I was kidnapped? I was hungry...

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|btw I forgot to add basic info about ur character lol so imma do it before I do the writing writing part of it|
First name: y/n
Last name l/n
Type: half human half tiger
Ughh.. I'm tired how much further she asked.. shut up..
God damnit Jeff stop being a complete and other doshe.
Go fuck urself! It went completely silent..
Uhm do they always do this...
hoodie looked at her.. yes u should see how ben and Jeff agrue over lulu. He chuckled
Who's Ben and lulu? You will find out.
Okay.. |time skip|finally we're here. Masky said, Y/n looked up at the moon as her E/c eyes shined brightly all sudden Thud. OW did u haft to push me? Jeff looked at her and smirked, yes I did you were taking forever, all the sudden another loud THUD
MASKY YOU SON OF A BITCH! Jeff yelled. Masky said angrily that's what u get for pushing her. He helped her up, thanks I'm guessing ur name is masky, yep he smiled underneath his mask. Oh all the sudden smack, masky? She asked scared.. masky yelled Jeff u sick son of bitch! Jeff chuckled that's what u get for pushing me, they started to beat each other up, before it could get bad,a tall man showed up and the tentacles behind his back wrapped around both of them.. she watched.. a dark voice spoke, You don't fight do u two UNDERSTAND ME! He snapped... They both said yes Sir... Now who is the girl.. he dropped them.. OW Jeff yelled u had to drop us that hard... Yes I did. NOW who's the girl.. masky said, I thought she might be useful she ate her victim alive.. took his heart out she's human but acts like a tiger and has a tail. Hm he said darkly take her to my office masky and Jeff u go get Sally and lazari and lifeless Lucy now or else. Masky lightly grabbed her and pulled her to slendermans office, he's not going to hurt me right? No so long as ur not a threat don't do anything stupid kid, okay.. she said lightly. She then sat down on a chair, okay so tell me ur name and age.. she stared for a SEC before saying, my name is y/n/-l/n and I'm 19, I was just hungry she cried.. why was I taken here I don't wanna be beaten I swear to god I didn't do anything she cried.. y/n he said softly, who beats you? M-y my mom and dad.. Y/n cried out, sweet dear child nothing will happen to you I won't let it.. he said softly, now how are u half tiger and half human? Idk I really don't my mom loved witchcraft and tested spells on me and I guess one went wrong or I was born like this, okay dear eyeless jack will take u to ur room. Dinner will be done shortly, okay sir. Ej leaded her to her room. She walked in and sat down on the bed, then she remembered I still have a heart! She giggled, a slight growl slipped out of her mouth, hehe she took the jar out of her purse, then opened it. And pulled it out and bit down, Sally walked in, dinners d- EW what is that?, srry it's a candy heart she lied. Not wanting Sally to hate her, she followed Sally downstairs and sat down at the table, she bit down on the heart again, Ben then said is that human flesh? Hm? She looked at him, yeah she bit down again and again till it was gone, she licked her bloody lips. Eyeless jack stared, Ben then had to say- she looks weird eating flesh even tho she's human I mean look at her tail, he laughed, she growled and lunged and bit Ben on his neck, |gore warning| she bit harder as ben screamed masky tried to pull her over, she bit harder and started to growl, finally after a minute Slenderman used his tentacles to pull her off and she cried and ate what she got off his neck, masky take him to Dr smiley Jeff then snapped SEE SHES A M-O-N-S-T-E-R, she cried i'm sorry i'm sorry ben forgive me slenderman sighed, masky said slender she had the right ben had no right to make fun of her ill take her punishment she's already been abused you will break her further if u punish her.. slender said masky u do have a point but she bit him.. she cried please dont smack me...   Jeff eyes widden why would u think we would do that to you? She cried before breaking free and crawling away, she curled up into a ball and cried, |sorry guys this is the end ive been up all night :D writing chapters anyway luv y'all|

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