4. 'sum wild shit'

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WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING. I wanted  them to get along and shit, but now, this- this is not ending well. Fuck, I gotta do something.  Tyler thought, as the rest of the group roared, chanting on and on, until Domo grabbed Rockys neck and pressed in, choking him.

"Okay, okay, Domo thats too far-" Earl announces, seemingly worried now.

Frank turned his head back from the drivers seat, and froze. "Domo, nigga, I d-"

Even Jasper came in at Rockys leverage, along with the rest of the people in the van, but Domo didn't stop. Tyler knew this was getting bad, so he tapped in too. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Kendrick jumps out of shotgun.

"Nigga, let him go!"  Kendrick yells, shoving his fist into Domos stomach, as Domo turned to him. 

"The fuck are you gonna do, Kenny? You short bitch." Domo would say, pushing Rocky to the side.

"Homie, you crazy." Immediately, Kendrick locked action and twisted Domos wrist, Domo screams were babyish.

The group roared entirely, as there was some real action. Kendrick and Domo began fighting, Kendrick took a ton of jabs at Domos stomach, as Domo tried to hold him back, which backfired completely. Domo uppercutted Kendrick, but didnt have much power because of how he was being manhandled by Kendrick. The group watched the whole thing eagerly.

"Fuck you- shit-" Domo yelped.

"Fuck you more, nigga!" Kendrick snapped back, pressing his nails into Domos skin, and  beating his head against the vans wall, the van shook aggressively. As the van shook, it began being hard to stay still and hold ground because of the movement. Suddenly, Jasper flew from the shaking across, knocking into Domo, causing him to fall out of Kendricks actual beating. Kendrick stood, confident of his actions, as Domo laid on the vans floor, the shaking stopped. 

Rocky raised himself up and brushed the dust off his clothes, looking distressed as he pulls his shirt up, looking at the rips, then he glared at Domo, who was drooling on the floor of the van.

"Thats whatchu get for buyin' a paper thin ass shirt for so much moolah'." Domo replied, face planting himself to avoid conversation.

Rocky rolled his eyes.


So good to see that bitch finally get his ass fucking beat. This is the most beautiful moment of my life, his faggot ass got himself torn apart. Hate to be him, not just in this situation, but in any situation at all, if I was stuck on a island with him, I'd eat him out, easily, wait, that sounds fagish as hell-   Jasper would think, getting up and rushing himself up, and kicking Domos head, snickering.

"Nigga- are we going to the party or not, yall!?" Steve shouts, Kendrick now chilling and just on his phone, beside him.

"We are goin' once Jasper stops being a dick!" Taco snaps, shoving Jasper away from Domo.

"If Domo didn't start fighting Rocky, Jasper would have never been a dick." Frank says, glaring at  Taco.

✿ WEIRD KIDS ✿ ASAP x Tyler ✿Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum