A puzzle stays unfinished

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Things would be simple, truly it'd would be. So does he regret it? No. But should he? Is he really all that selfish, or is he being reasonable? When he came to hell, his very first thought was, wow! nobody knows who i am here. what if i start new? But that was until the whole overlord shit came to mind and he went berserk with it. Is it true he really did have a good heart until it froze and could only be unfrozen by smashing it with a hammer?

He's worked years to get to where he id now, killed so many, and although he's satisfied, he also isn't, in a way. It's kind of like, he's done all of this to do something hes worked so hard for and..Now what? What does he do now? Does he continue doing what he does, or does he just sit at peace. Both seem..not appealing to his eyes, leaving him stumped, and feeling complicated with everything, like a snail who traveled so slowly yet so very long to get to its destination, only to be get there, and be killed. Not that he's been killed, per say.

So here he stands today, in his radio tower where he's recorded broadcasts of his victims for decades now, standing in his balcony as he watched over Hell. Its so familar now, he's watched from up here for so long, it's almost like a speech he has memorized. He remembers exactly which building is the v's tower, where in the distance is Lucifers castle, Carmilla's building, and you get the point. Is it humiliating his radio tower is connected to the hazbin hotel right now? Sure, maybe a little but he couldn't give a shit what those mess of an overlords think, irrelevant they are.

His ears perked up hearing a door open and his ears shifted to the noise, his head eventually following. He watched as a familiar face cautiously started walking around, seeming unsure. ''Am i needed?" Alastors staticy voice questioned, causing the intruding fellow to jump a bit. "AH- fuck! You scared me!" "And your in my tower, without permission, my majesty." his eyes glared at him, smile twitching. Alastor isn't very fond of those who come unannounced in his privacy. "Well im sorry, im not the one who's been cooped up in my room all day, am i?" Lucifer scoffed as he began walking over.

"Mm, your concerned? And here i thought you were, and i quote, too good for anyone." Alastor chuckled at himself, causing Lucifer to roll his eyes, as he approached, standing besides alastor as he looked up at him, although alastors eyes stuck onto the city. "Well- Charlie sent me. She was worried about you, but was too scared to come in here. Wanted me too see whats up." Lucifer said as he placed a hand on the railing of the balcony. "But- seriously. Are you okay? Been in here all day and right now you look..rough." Lucifer said, eyes watching for anything, any mannerism.

"What, is my hair out of place?" Alastor asked dumbly, glancing at Lucifer who sighed. "No, not rough like that! Like- i can see somethin' in your eyes. That twinkle or whatever in your eye isnt all there right now." Lucifer said, leaning against the balcony as Alastor grumbled something. "Im quite alright, my king. Im just--- thinking, i suppose." Alastor shrugged, looking down at his hands that rested on his cane, before he looked back at Lucifer awkwardly. "Aboutttt?" The king trailed off, hoping for an answer which Alastor surely knew he'd pry. He scoffed, "Why thats none of your concern, is it now?"

"Well, i think it is, because im concerned." Lucifer said, a hand on his own hip as he gave Alastor an unamused look. Sure he hates the dude and he hates him equally, Lucifer can't help but have sympathy in his heart. He can tell when someones feeling down, and although alastors smiling like always, his eyes tell stories, and he's able to read them clearly. Alastor let a soft sigh escape his lips and his gaze on lucifer left, instead fixating right back on the city. He found making eye contact in this situation is rather.. uneasy for him.

"Lucifer, i have a question." The radio demon spoke, feeling the kings eyes on him. "Ask away." "Do you have any regrets?" he questioned, and it caught Lucifer a bit taken back but it was nothing he couldn't handle. "I..Yeah. Yeah, sure i do." Lucifer said unsurely, not very sure of where this conversation will be going but he's also nosey and curious and wants to see where it ends. "Well, of course you do. im sure everyone does. What i mean is, Is there anything you wish you could've done different? Perhaps something that would make your life different than what it is today?" the radio demon tapped his cane a couple times.

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