Jaxon glances up at me gaping at the price tag in horror. "Hm. I like that one. Try it on."

My wide eyes grow wider. "But it's $4,550!"

"Most stuff in this store is at least that price, if not more."

I'm at a complete loss for words.

"Charlotte, don't worry. I have plenty of money."

Yeah, dirty money. Because you're a criminal.

And now, so are you, Charlotte, my better judgment reminds me with a tsk tsk.

She's right. Who am I to talk? I agreed to join him.

"Come on," Jaxon prods. "Let's go see how it looks."

"Wait. I need a shirt or cami to go under it. Otherwise, I'll be showing my..." I trail off, feeling embarrassed.

"Your cleavage?"

Always so blunt.

I blush and Jaxon winks teasingly. "I don't mind..."

Yeah, of course you don't.

Ignoring his amused chuckle, I scurry off again to find a blood red cami.

This should do. Matches their creepy color scheme and everything.

On my way back, a silk choker of the same color with a diamond stud in the front stands out on a jewelry rack.

Ooh. That will be cute.

Grabbing that too, I head back to Jaxon. He eyes my findings without uttering a word and waits outside the dressing room as I put the ensemble together. I scan my appearance in the mirror and my eyes halt, once more, on my black converse.

Ruining the mood again.

I open the dressing room door a crack and peek my head out. "Jaxon? Will you get me a pair of shoes to go with it?"

"Of course."

A few minutes later, he returns with a pair of four inch, red stilettos. My eyes bug out of their sockets. "Jaxon, I'll die in those shoes. Figuratively and literally."

"Oh, sorry. I just thought they'd look nice...What would you like instead?"

"Some flats, please."


He comes back with a cute pair of red flats and I take them graciously. "Thank you."

I slide them on and step out for him to see. His eyes start on my face, then glaze down my entire body until they reach my feet. He nods in approval. "I love it."

We continue scouring the pristine racks for tops, pants, shorts, skirts and dresses, then pick out a few pairs of shoes, some make up, jewelry and hair products.

Red Bullets in JuneWhere stories live. Discover now