Chapter 13

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For the next few days you didn't really meet Alastor much, but... being woken up every single morning by the scent of rose boutiques and small good morning letters didn't let you forget him even for a moment.

It's no secret that each morning you carefully put the roses into vases and take care of them. And it's also no secret that you stocked all of the notes as well.

You and Alastor both know that it's still a long way for you both to go, but if he's ready to go to certain lengths for you, then you will try to do the same for him.

You were pulled out of your thoughts by the sound of a text message.

You picked up your phone and unsurprisingly it's Velvette. She wants you to come model for her again.

Maybe she's going to pay you this time!

The dresses she gifted you are obviously worth more than any money, but it always feels good to receive some cash.

After sending a quick text telling her that you'll be there in twenty minutes, you took a shower and dressed up.

To be fair, you weren't in the mood for any work that day. All you wanted to do was lay in bed and think about Alas-... well...  things.

You groaned to yourself.

How did this man consume your mind so quickly.You can't just straight up forgive him.

Well you can! He would actually be very gratef- no!

Who cares how he feels! Its about time you cared about how you feel!

But you actually feel happy...

Um! I mean-

He frustrates you so much! And takes up way too much space in your brain as well! Can you believe this man?

You sighed and looked at yourself in the mirror, only one thought consuming your whole mind.

You were once again falling in love with Alastor.

What's the point in denying it, if you know it that means Alastor also knows.

He always knew what you were thinking and, especially in times like these, it really pissed you off.

Of course you're not going to give in so easily. 

Suddenly your phone started blowing up with text messages, and guess what....

You were late.

All because of Alastor! One more reason to not forgive him yet!

You gathered your things and fast-walked out of your room. Thankfully this time you didn't run into your husband.

That seemed to happen often... maybe he planned all of those too.

You were about to say bye to your friends until you noticed how bummed out Charlie was.

"So.. how'd it go?" Angel Dust asked her.

Vaggie answered him instead. "Well, no new recruits."

"What's going on?" You interfered. To get Charlie this upset is no easy task.

Charlie finally sat upright and started explaining how after some meeting she had with Adam the first man, the angels moved up the extermination day by 6 months, so through all the bad she saw an opportunity to recruit new people. Sadly they were very unsuccessful.

The extermination day... how you survived them all you have no clue. You were just lurking in the shadows and no angel seemed to bat an eye.

After a few more moments your phone once again started going off as a reminder that you are indeed about to get into some deep shit if you don't run to the VVVs headquarters.

So with a few quick goodbyes you made your way to the door.

However when you opened it, it was none other that the snake guy from... from the battle!
"Why hello, my dear!"

You were about to say hello back but Vaggie ran up and absolutely hit the shit out of the guy.

"(Y/N) stand back!" She shouted and pointed her spear towards the snake.

"I come in peace!" He begged her.

"What are you doing here?" Vaggie threatened.

Even though this was probably a very strange experience, where you should probably be fully invested right about now, your mind wandered off to other things.

Still thinking of Alastor of course, but another really important thing was that you were extremely late to your new job.

Velvette wasn't really known for being the nicest around, that's for sure...

You checked your phone, and you were extremely frightened by the messages, or at this point you could call those threats.

After a few moments you didn't even notice how the guy, whose name you learned is Sir Pentious, is now a member of the hotel.

The whole situation screamed Charlie, as she was the only one who really wanted to give the guy a chance.

For you personally, it didn't really matter. Of course it'd take a while for the hotel to warm up to him, but in the end that's how we all started.

So now you all were seated around in a circle playing some.... Hand.. clapping-rhyme game?

Well, Sir Pentious seemed to be having fun so maybe it was a bonding exercise!

"Come on (Y/N)! Give it a try!" Charlie encouraged you.

You looked around and sweatdropped. You didn't even realise that it was your turn, and you certainly didn't have any time to think of anything fun.

You cleared your throat...
"My name is (Y/N) *clap clap* I'm late for work *clap clap* and if I don't get there soon I'm 'bout to get my whole ass whooped!*clap clap*"

Charlie giggled at your little song, not taking you seriously. But you were quite seriously about to be beheaded.

After that whole.. thing, you were awkwardly seated next to Alastor, watching as Angel Dust and Sir Pentious started acting.

Sir Pentious being the good kid who follows the rules and Angel Dust trying to sell him crack...

It was an awkward show, but it was funny seeing Angel Dust get annoyed.

However, not even such a display could help you ignore the hand snaking around your waist, pulling you closer to the man besides you.

Overall! Sir Pentious seems great..!

In Another Universe (Alastor x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt