He draws his hand and whispers,"Oblivalte."

"I call upon Calyso."  Regulus calls out.

"Who is that?" A few people wondered.

"Why would this person do something like this?" Seamus asked.

"Are we finally going to get to know who kidnapped the girl?" Moody asked.

Suddenly a wave of sea water appears in the room as Calypso appears looking around.

"Why have you called for me?" Calypso asked him.

"I wish for my niece to have a better life than what she'll get here." Regulus tells her.

All the witches and wizards in the room watches the screen closely as they all wanted to know who those two people were.

"Come on, Come on. Show us already." All students calls out impatiently.

Calypso looks closely at the sleeping baby.

"I know the perfect family and I sense that  she's my descendant so I'll take her away and she has a great prophecy surrounding her."

Regulus smiles before he kisses the baby on the cheek. "My little niece, your brothers and I love you so much more you'll possibly know. But I have made all the wrong choices but I can't allow this life for you."

"I shall debut to you Regulus Black for returning my descendant to me. Your life shall be saved when it matters the most." Calypso tells him and she disappears in the waves with Carina.

The room was completely silent as they all had different reactions to what had just been revealed on the screen.

"You? You did this?" Lucius demands of Regulus.

"You're the reason this whole time." Carius says looking at his boyfriend in shock.

"I thought she was gone." Narcissa whispers with tears in her eyes.

"Why, she was my sister." Draco points out.

All the pureblood families looked at each other before they looked over at Regulus.

"Look I know that you guys are upset with me but I did it because she doesn't deserve to live the life that purebloods have to." Regulus explains himself but he was still given looks..

The screen turns black before lighting up as across the screen appears the title,

PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: THE CURSE OF THE BLACK PEARL in the color dark yellow and the color white on the bottom before a bell sound is heard just as the title fades away.

"What kind of title is that?" Daphne says while shaking her head.

"Why would this be called the pirates of the Caribbean, the curse of the Black Pearl?" Fred asked curiously while George nodded his head.

"It sounds like an interesting movie title already." All muggleborn witches and wizards pointed out.

Some students and adults jumped back at the loud bell sound especially since they weren't expecting the sound bell sound of all things.

The Pirates MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now