18// Dissapontment

Start from the beginning

"The Golden cheese kingdom have been doing that since 1984..it was after a huge massacre whilst the Dark flour war was happening, everyone's cries, screams, pleads...all were ignored. I was a victim of of the massacre along with Burnt cheese and Smoke cheese" Mozzarella spoke.

"Who's smoke cheese?" Royal margarine asked curiously.

"Smoke cheese was a royal advisor for Golden cheese, he was compassionate yet ruthless towards our Queen who built this kingdom a long time ago, back in 1954 was when this place was first built and was finished in 1960"

"You are very knowledgeable for a pretty lady such as yourself" Royal margarine flirted.

"I'm flattered, thanks for the compliment" Mozzarella giggles.

As Royal margarine and Mozzarella continued to chat to each other, Crimson coral found them and grabbed Margarine by his arm.

"What are you doing!? I wasn't done speaking to her!" Royal margarine yelled.

"We must head back to the cabins, Burnt cheese is ready for this to take us to his queen" Crimson coral spoke whilst continuing to drag Royal margarine back to the camp.

"Bye Royal margarine!" Mozzarella shouts as she waves at him. Margarine just smiles and waves back at her.

Once the two got back to the cabins, Mystic Opal,bumble berry and burnt cheese were already waiting for them. "About time!" Bumble berry said exaggerated.

"Where was Royal margarine?" Mystic Opal asked her sister.

"I found him with another two legged person"

"Who was it?"

"A lady with blueish eyes, eyeshadow and she had huge amounts of hair..like her hair was made of out yellow glue cheese" The older gem mermaid explained.

"You obviously must be talking about Mozzarella I see" Burnt cheese answers.

"Guys!" Mystic Opal shouted.

"What is it dear sister!?" The gem mermaid asked with worry.

"I have head lice, get these things off out of my hair!"

"I'll sort it out" The gatekeeper sighed.

"How about we get a goodnight sleep then continue our journey in the morning?" Bumble berry asked everyone.

"Not a bad idea, I'm tired if I say so myself" Royal margarine yawns.

Everyone fell asleep in their cabin beds by midnight except the dragon rider due to thoughts about Pastel meringue, he decided to step out of bed and go back to the bridge and wait for Mozzarella to show up. Once there, the dragon rider sat on the edge whilst looking down into the water. Royal margarine was just enjoying the silence until the gatekeeper interrupted it.

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