bad friends

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انا اسمي ساره، عمري 19 عام
My name is Sara, I am 19 years old
في عام دراسي جديد دخلت طالبه جديده واسمها ريم
In a new school year, a new student entered, her name is Reem
تحدثنا لمده اسبوعين وصرنا اصدقاء
We talked for two weeks and became friends
وفي يوم تحدثت مع غيري وجئت اقول لها اجلسي بجانبي قالت لي لا اريد ان اجلس معك تركتها وشئنها
One day I talked to someone else and I came to tell her to sit next to me. She told me, “I don’t want to sit next to you .”
I left her alone
وفي يوم اخر قلت لها انني اريدالخروج معك قالت لي لا اريد الخروج معك قلت لها علي راحتك
On another day, I told her that I wanted to go out with you, and she told me that I did not want to go out with you I told her, take your time
وفي يوم اعطتني رقم هاتفها وقالت لي تحدثي معي علي الواتس اب قلت لها حسنا
One day she gave me her phone number and told me to talk to me on WhatsApp. I told her okay
وفي يوم امي اعطتني رقم هاتف جديد وتحدثت ريم علي الواتس اب من رقمي الجديد 
One day, my mother gave me a new phone number and I spoke to Reem on WhatsApp from my new number
وعملت فيها مقلب وقلت لها ان صحبتك ساره تشتمك وقلت لها لا تعلمين ساره اني قلت لك
I played a prank on her and told her that Sarah, your friend, insults you I told her, Sarah, you wouldn't know if I told you

وتحدثت معي وقالت لي انا سمعت انك تشتميني و كنت ابي اشوف ردت فعلها وقلت لها اي انا شتمتك 
She spoke to me and said to me, “I heard you insulting me.” And I told her, “I insulte you I wanted to see her reaction

وقامت وعملت لي بلوك
She got up and made me an block
وتاني يوم قامت اتشتكت للمديره والمديره قالت لي قولي لها اسفه وقلت لها اسفه وسامحتني. وثاني يوم علمت الفصل كله وقالت لهم لا تكلموها وصاروا لا يكلموني واعتذرت منها وقالت للفصل خلاص احنا تسامحنا
The second day she complained to the principal and the principal told me to tell her I was sorry and I told her I was sorry and she forgave me and the second day she taught the whole class and told them not to talk to her and they no longer spoke to me and  I'm sorry  to her and said to the class that’s it, we forgive us.
القصه انتهت
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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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