𝙨𝙞𝙭𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣. devastated

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The main door slowly opened and the sound of it made Gojo rush from the kitchen towards the living room.

"Y/N! Welcome back...?" As usual Gojo would greet his wife with enthusiasm whenever she comes back, but Y/N looked different today, instead of greeting him back with a smile, she looked rather, lifeless.

"Mama" Haru called and Y/N looked at him, however she did not utter a word.

"Mama, you did not come" Haru pouted. "You lied"

At this, Y/N suddenly felt like she has been stabbed. However, she cannot bring herself to say anything right now.

"Y/N, did something happen?" Gojo reached for her hand, and when Y/N felt his touch, she looked up to him and suddenly, everything that happened earlier played in her mind.

But she can't really find the courage to speak, so she did not respond and just went to their room and it looked like she ignored them.

Haru looked at his father. "Papa, is Mama ignoring us?" he asked.

"I don't think so, Haru" Gojo replied. "But let's just let her be for a while" he said.

He watched her enter her room, he doesn't admit but he actually felt like he was ignored too, however, he doesn't want to assume things again.

Y/N dropped her bag as she entered her room, and while she was walking towards her closet she stumbled and fell, creating a loud thud, yet the pain she felt from her fall was nothing compared to the pain in her chest. Her thoughts are all over the place that she started hyperventilating.

Hearing the loud thud, Gojo suddenly felt like something happened, so he rushed upstairs as Haru followed him.

"Y/N!" he rushed as he saw her sitting on the floor, one knee propped up and leaning against her closet breathing heavily with her eyes closed.

"Y/N, your knee is bleeding!" Gojo exclaimed trying not to panic as he went to get a first aid kit.

Haru suddenly entered their room, confused at what's going on.

"Mama?" Haru tilted his head, it was the first time he saw his mother like that.

"Haru, go to your grandma" Gojo said when he came back.

"Huh? But why Papa?"

"This is between us, adults. Don't worry" Gojo smiled, Haru hesitated, but still followed and went to his grandparents' room. When Gojo saw his son go out of their room, he immediately turned to Y/N.

"Y/N, what on earth happened?" He asked, observing her features, she looked really tired, the bags under her eyes were visible.

"Satoru..." she mutters as tears were starting to form in her eyes.

"H-hey, wait, what happened?" he asks as he cups her face and all of her tears just flowed.

"Y/N, please, tell me what happened?" he asked as he gently assisted her to stand up and led her to sit on the the bed as he started cleaning the wound on her knee.

"I w-want to quit my job"

Gojo suddenly looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. Despite still learning a lot of things about her while his memories are still not all coming back, he knows for sure that Y/N loves her job dearly, so when he heard her say that, he knew something is definitely wrong.

"Y/N...I'm here for you, you can always tell me" he says. Y/N tried to calm down and wiped her tears.

"Did anybody hurt you?" he asked, making sure not to press the cotton that hard so she won't feel pain as he finished giving her first aid, he carressed her hair and kissed her on her forehead.

remember. 𝙜𝙤𝙟𝙤 𝙨𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙪 ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora