Meanwhile in the horses stables, Ao Lie in his human form let out a sigh as he sat cross legged with his hands holding his head 'So very, very bored, nothing to do but count straw' the dragon boy thought letting out another sigh. He peaks over the stall and sees that the door was left ajar "hmm, should I stay here and continue to be bored, or go out and explore the village" Ao Lie said to himself thinking "what would big brother do?" Ao Lie asked thinking, then a smile grace his lips before he hops over the horse stall and head to the door, slipping through the door with a small chuckle

Wukong and Sha Wujing follows Long Feng staying hidden as the village chief walks into his home "okay, I'm going in there, stay out here and act natural" Wukong said transforming into a fly and flies inside the home. Meanwhile, Tripitaka walks down the road trying to look for the prayer temple "um excuse me, do you might know where I can find the prayer temple?" Tripitaka asked a villager who was sweeping "oh, it's right behind those two buildings, but it might be very full when you reach it" the villager said going back to sweeping 'Full?' Tripitaka thought following the directions the villager gave him

Soon Tripitaka reached the prayer temple, but the doors were closed and guards wearing black armor were guarding the entrance 'guards, at the prayer temple, that cannot be right' Tripitaka thought looking at the guards and the temple, then noises comes out of the temple and the monk quietly walks around the temple spotting an open window and peaks through it, as he looks in the temple he gasped at what he saw, there at the far end of the building wasn't a statue of Buddha or Guan Yin, but a statue of a man wearing black armor, a tail, and a sword, offerings piled in front of the statue, and almost everyone in the village was bowing to the statue "praise the Cursed Immortal, we thank you you're endless generosity, please live a long healthy life" they all said bowing

Tripitaka looks away from the window completely shocked at what he saw almost dropping his khakkara "a-amitabha Buddha, Amitabha Buddha" Tripitaka chanted trying to calm his nerves, when he calmed down he looks back at the temple "I-I must warn the others" Tripitaka said running back towards the guest house. Meanwhile back with Wukong, the copper simian continues to spy on Long Feng as he writes a letter, he tries to get closer but Long Feng shoos the fly away 'What is he writing' Wukong thought getting impatient, finally Long Feng finished writing and got up leaving. When the man was gone Wukong flies to the letter and began reading it the best he could, he couldn't make out much of the words but he manage to make out the most important one's "I am happy to inform you that the six eared Macaque and the monks have entered our village Cursed Immortal"

'I knew it!, I gotta warn the others!' Wukong thought and flies out the window back to the water spirit and transforming back "did you find anything brother?" Sha Wujing asked the copper simian "yes, I knew something was up with this village, we gotta warn the others" Wukong said as he and Sha Wujing heads back to the guest house unaware that Joo Dee was spying on them. Back at the guest house, Zhu Bajie was scarfing down the delicious snacks Joo Dee brought while Macaque just sips on some tea when Tripitaka came in out of breath "master?" Zhu Bajie said his mouth full as the monk tries to catch his breath

The tanned simian quickly went over to the monk and placed him onto the sofa "deep breaths Tripitaka" Macaque said as the great monk takes a few deep breaths "I....I saw something most terrible" Tripitaka said as he catches his breath "what happened?" Macaque asked as the monks breathing settled "I was on my way to the prayer temple, and their were guards at the entrance, now I know that the prayer temple is a sacred place but it shouldn't have guards guarding it" the great monk said looking at the two "that is true, what else happened?" Macaque asked

The King, The Prince, and The WarriorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora