Solana— she was in the gardening club, and yearbook. She was spiritual, the complete opposite of Beyoncé. Solana came to school in green,brown,or orange. She was completely her own person and Beyoncé appreciated it.

They all clashed really well. Normani was preppy, Solana was earthy, and Beyoncé was simply that girl. In her outfit today it didn't show, but usually the young girl was in a skirt showing off her shape. She was confident in her skin and loved showing it now. She enjoyed partying, getting drunk, talking to boys.

She got rid of all her books.

She did a whole entire 360, and everyone loved it. Except for her old friends, but Beyoncé didn't care. In her mind they were all washed up and dry. They left her to go to parties no one even knew them at.

If Beyoncé were to walk into a party right now, everyone would know her. And that was simply off of looks, she knew she was pretty. She was a whole different person— unbeknownst to Beyoncé she was a bit of a bitch. But even if she knew, she didn't care.

"Oh my god Im so hungry I feel like shit." Solana frowned interlocking her arm with Beyoncé.

The blonde giggled as Normani did the same thing on the other side. All the girls walked hand in hand inside. All eyes on them like every other day, it wasn't nothing new.

"Did you eat a cube of cheese?" Solana nodded and Beyoncé giggled some more.

"We have to stop doing that to ourselves. I mean realistically it's not healthy." Beyoncé hummed In agreement but couldn't stop herself from saying.

"But then again, don't you wanna look good? Because I wanna look good." Normani huffed nodding her head.

Beyoncé grew a bit— fixated on just being the girl everyone wanted to be. She was sick of not liking herself— not liking how people viewed her. So she did everything to change it no matter how bad it was.

"Did you so your English homework?" Normani and solana both nodded and Beyoncé grinned.

"Good— uh oh I know he's not." All the girls stared at Jack as he lifted his shirt. Showing off his abs causing them all to smile. Beyoncé simply rolled her eyes letting the girls go.

"Boy, if you don't stop." She pulled his shirt down and he grinned. Kissing her forehead and wrapping an arm around her waist.

"How you doing bey bae?" She nudged him causing him to her her go. Quickly acknowledging Normani and Solana he smiled.

"Hey mani. You look good." He spoke kissing her forehead. The girl blushed huffing a bit as Jack did the same to solana. She fake gagged running behind Beyoncé.

"Anything new happening today?" Beyoncé questioned going to her locker and opening it. The girls did the same moving around things switching books out.

"Not really." Jack shrugged leaning against the locker by bey. She nodded her head, she could see him watching her out the corner of her eye.

She liked Jack, but Normani liked Jack. So she liked Jack as a friend. Jack liked Beyoncé, but Beyoncé seemed to not like anyone. To everyone at that school she wouldn't dare blink or talk to anyone. That's just how she was, if you talked to Beyoncé Knowles you were different.

"Damn, I could've sworn Sarah said someone was transferring." She mumbled annoyed, she wanted to have a new guy to flirt with.

Beyoncé was the go to tour guide. She was in good rankings with all the teachers and admins. So whenever there was fresh meat she showed them around. That's exactly how she became friends with Normani and Solana, they were new and liked her immediately.

"I haven't seen anybody." Jack said, Beyoncé nodded closing her locker and turning around. She stopped in her tracks but rolled her eyes.

Kelly, Megan, Frank, Pharrell, and Brent. All we're walking down the hallway. They were laughing loudly and giggling. The only person not laughing was Kelly. She was eyeing Beyoncé as they walked.

Beyoncé wasn't with the shit and crossed her arms mugging the girl back. She wasn't in the mood today and really couldn't stand them. Every time they seen each other they made it weird.

"Let's go to class." Beyoncé chuckled, Normani and Solana were on her side In mer seconds. Jack behind them talking their ears off.

Beyoncé took her attention off the group, realizing everyone she walked past were waving at her. She smiled nodding, and waving back. That's how it was all the way until they were in Mr Jameson's class.

He greeted the girls to which they excitedly greeted him back. Jack just nodded and they all sat at their table. Talking about any and everything. Beyoncé wasn't really interested. She was wondering why Sarah lied to her.

She said there was a new student but there wasn't.

Defeated Beyoncé flipped through her notebook quietly. It was the middle of class before Mr. Jameson called her up. She stood at his desk a little confused.

"They need you to give a new student a tour." He spoke, because found herself with the biggest smile on her face.

"Okay!" She left the classroom immediately. Practically skipping to the front office.

She was so excited, but stopped herself when she realized she was smiling to much. As she walked down the hallway she slowly got confused. She seen Ms. Carol in the front office. Beyoncé hadn't really spoken to her much either, shit she was cut off to.

Opening the offices door she went to Mrs.Johnson asking her where the student was. The woman pointed with her pen and Beyoncé turned around. Her eyes widening at the person sitting in the chair before her.




Beyoncé and her new personality?

Her cutting everyone off? She right or wrong for it?

Her new friends? Normani, solana, Jack?

Dun dun dun!! Daddies home!! How do you think her and Nicki will act with each other now?

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