He didn't know why, but he felt a sense of weird protectiveness wash over him. He only felt like this when he saved Nanako and Mimiko that faithful night in the mission that changed his life by making him a dad

Now he felt the same for this little child

Looking at those eyes, he felt like he'd take any misfortune that was to be hers with a smile on his face, gladly be with her, teaching her to read write and walk...

It was weird. He couldn't describe it

"Geto-sama, I think she wants you to pick her up"

Nanako said, her voice confused

Geto opened his mouth but wasn't really sure what he should say

But that decision wasn't really difficult as another loud cry came from Ruby

"UP! UP!"

she yelled repeatedly, demanding Geto to pick her up

"Okay, what is wrong with you, young lady!? Why are you acting like this"

Suki asked a bit panicked, she'd never seen her babies cry like this

"Miss Suki, if you don't mind, I'll like to take her once"

She looked up when he heard him say that

He took a bottle of hand sanitizer from his pocket, he cleaned his hands before reaching for her. Both mother and daughter felt their hearts melt

He had this calm smile that basically made their hearts go all Doki Doki

"Oh gosh. I'm really sorry Geto-san. I don't know why she's acting like this. She's usually not like this. "

He just calmly smiled at her

"It's completely fine. I guess the little one likes me more"

She giggled, making her hair dance from her shoulder. Which he made a mental note to compliment before he left

She got Ruby out her hoodie, realizing she might be looking like a kangaroo with a baby on the pouch, and leaned her towards Geto

But as giving/taking the child from each other, Geto had to grab Suki's hand to stabilize the little one in his hold

That's when she felt it

She felt that unbearable burning sensation, it felt like someone had thrown acid on the spot of her wrist. She couldn't help as she screamed on top of her lungs

She couldn't bear it and sat down one the floor, grabbing her arm that stang

Scaring the living shit out of everyone in the room. Geto got startled and almost dropped Ruby if it wasn't for his great reflexes. after being a jujutsu Sorcerer for so many years it's normal to have reflexes

Mimiko and Nanako were instantly by her side. Some of the others, like her makeup artist, hair stylist, Keisuke and a few helpers came rushing out hearing her scream like that

It was a scream of pure androgyny

"Miss Abe, are you okay?''

Nanako asked, trying to get her to look up at them

She sat there, gritting her teeth while trying really hard not to cry

But then she felt the pain vanish into thin air, just like it appears from absolutely nowhere. She blinked looking at the place it hurt a few seconds prior

Her eyes went wide and mouth dropped open

"Miss Abe are you okay? Do... You ... HOLY FUCKING CRAP!"

this was Nanako's reaction when she watched her father's hand mark on her favourite idol's wrist.

Mimiko and Nanako looked like they were having an existential crisis while Geto and Suki just stared at each other dumbfounded

"Come on! This again... (Sigh)Some get the CCTV footages deleted. No one should find out about this"

Keisuke said, getting into the secretary mode. Trying to cover up this

"You... You... You're my soulmate "

Geto felt the hairs behind his neck stood up, goosebumps aroused around his body, he felt this shiver going down to his spine hearing her call him her soulmate

He didn't know what to do at all

First of all, she's also Yuta, his student's soulmate ( which wasn't the main problem as it's usual for people to have multiple soulmates) secondly, isn't she supposed to be the chosen one? Then how come she have more than one soulmate

But everything was forgotten when she stood up. She came closer, showing him the hand mark on her wrist

He gently touched it... Gliding his fingers though the mark before it disappeared. He didn't know what got over him as he grabbed her wrist and brought it closer to his lips and kissed where the mark was a few moments ago

Her cheeks flushed as a soft look washed over her beautiful face. The girls were squealing behind them and Ruby looked a little taken aback,

"It seems so, Miss.... If you don't mind -

He couldn't finish his sentence as the a alarms went off, alerting everyone in the room who understand what it was

It was the emergency alert

A few bouncers came rushing in and talked to Keisuke before he came rushing to her

"Miss, a few people broke into the back stage. We need to leave "

Her eyes dropped, he gave geto a helpless look as he took Ruby from Geto's arms. It was clear when she didn't want to come as she struggled

Keisuke looked at his new mistress before sighing

"Geto was it?"

He nodded numbly

"Come with me. You have time right? You can stay at the Abe mansion no problem. Just have to go through different cars. We'll see what we can do with your car. Now please, come and don't ask questions. It's a bit dangerous '

Geto stared at the man for a few minutes before giving him a grateful smile

With that everyone was rushed out by the bouncers

Fated Souls { JJK Men X OC } (Soulmate au)Where stories live. Discover now