do you know?

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Hate is a very strong word.

Do you know what it's like to be hated by someone when you are not at fault?

Do you know what it's feels like to
Getting hate for things you didn't do?

Do you know what it's feels like to getting hate for someone else fault and u still feel guilty. I didn't say that i was not fault at all but getting hate for what I didn't do.

Do You know how it feels when you think that person will understand what you say but it doesn't happen.

Do you know how it feels when that person doesn't try to understand any of your problems, but you try to understand all thier problems?

Do you know how it feels when they blame you for everything?

Do you know how it feels when they don't even listen to you?

Do you know how it feels when they ignore you many times because you are younger but when they want someone to do their work then suddenly you are not younger anymore you become mature?

Do you know how it feels when they blame you for your parents mistakes?

Do you know how it feels to become less than an average student from being a topper?

Do you know how it feels when they always taunt you because now you are not even an average student?

Do you know how it feels when you are always in guilt for your mistakes and they treat you like shit?

Again I never said that I didn't make any mistakes I made a lot mistakes and maybe they are unforgivable but I'm trying so all I want is that don't hate me too much because I'm human too i have feelings too I too feel pain, I too have suffered pain, maybe not as much as you, but I too have suffered.

I am still a child, I am not as big as you and this is not an excuse to cover up my mistakes. But now even I can't bear all this, I am suicidal and I can't tell this to anyone, not even to you because you will laugh at me like you do every time, you won't you believe me Because according to you, I just overreact and act every time, I cannot have any mental problem because I am still a child, I have not suffered anything in my life till now.

I just pretend by watching movies, web series and dramas. According to you, how can I get depressed? How can I get stressed?

You don't know anything about me but you think you know everything about me just because I'm your younger sister just because you are older that doesn't mean that you are the only one who suffered you are the only one who can get depressed.

Just because I'm the younger sibling that doesn't mean i get everything i wanted i get all the love i know our father liked me more than you but I always felt guilt about it I even stop mom to take my side because you will feel bad.

How am I always wrong and you are not? you think mom always take my side but not always whenever I complain about you to mom most of the time she takes your side.

Now I'm not good at studying so she praise you all the time that how I'm not good at studying anymore and how you're still so good.

Everyone likes you more than me they take your side more than me.

They praise you more than me.

I know many times they give you lecture because you are older and I'm younger but this is not my fault i didn't tell them to take my side.

You have some friends to talk you can come to me to talk and I'm happy that you've someone to talk but I don't have anyone i think you will talk to me you will understand me but you just ignore me you don't listen to me you don't talk to me you just scroll on your phone you don't even look at me i have always thought that you will listen to me just like i do but you don't.

You only talk to me when you want to and when you want to share something with me.

I always thought that you are like this because of our parents and someday you'll not ignore me like this and talk to me rudely like this and listen to me and try to understand but still -


I'm still trying to figure out why you hate me but now -


Sorry for any grammatical mistakes
I hope you enjoy this story.

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