"That's not funny Sprout!" Misty suddenly shouted, getting to her feet. It was like a bomb had burst inside of her. Her voice was loud enough to catch everyone's attention. Even Dude and Bud froze to the spot after having heard that.

"Take it easy, Misty." Sprout stammered as he looked up at Misty. He shook a little as she glared down at him, angry and scared. He didn't understand. One second Misty was smirking, then literally the next, she was like this. What was with her all of a sudden?

"Just stay away from me!" Misty shouted, and without warning, kicked sand at Sprout in retaliation. The kick was hard enough to spray sand at Sprout and nearly caught Mimi. Sprout raised his arms to protect his face. Thankfully none of the sand got in his eyes. Misty didn't wait for the scolding. She just turned and ran away. Everyone else was still frozen in a state of shock and being appalled by Misty's actions. Just like Sprout, they had no clue as to what was going on. Misty and Sprout have fought before, plenty of times. However, this time, everything felt different. Nothing in the air felt like it was in the past.

"What happened?" Pip asked, glancing back and forth between Sprout and where Misty was running to.

"I don't know." Sprout stuttered, shaking sand off of himself. "I was just joking about burying Misty in the sand, and then she just freaked out."

Candi watched the entire exchange in silence. The two shells that she had found dropped from her hand. One pink, one a greyish white. She was going to give the grey one to Misty. Aside from the colour, both shells looked almost identical. They were opposites of each other. Just like Misty was Candi's opposite. She felt like something was wrong before Misty had her outburst. It was sharp like a needle and spread like electricity. It was so sudden that she flinched from it. And a misty having such a moment like that, it was clear to Candi as to where it came from. She never had a feeling like this, but there was this instinct inside her. It told her what was wrong with Misty.

Before everyone could snap out of their stunned state, Candi started running after picking up her shells. She followed Misty's sunken footprints. She could hear Sprout shouting after her, but he was stopped by Mimi. Everyone was letting Candi handle the situation. They collectively believed that she can work her magic in helping Misty. Candi was grateful that she was trusted with this. If anyone can get to the bottom of this, it's her. She knows what's wrong, but she needs to gently guide Misty to tell her on her own. She can't force out the issue.

Candi continued to follow Misty to a rocky part of the beach. It was far enough away from the Gang where they couldn't be heard. Good, they'll have some privacy. That'll make everything easier. Candi searched around for a minute. So far she couldn't find Misty. Not to mention, Misty's footprints had vanished, she must have scrambled over the rocks to keep herself from being discovered. Candi refused to give up. She needed to find Misty.

"Misty! Misty, where are you?" She called out over the screech of seagulls and crashing waves.

"Go away, Candi!" Misty's voice rang out like a church bell. That didn't deter Candi. It only strengthened her searching. She used that voice and her connections to Misty like a radar. If Misty responded back to Candi, it meant that she wasn't too far away now. Candi searched a bit more, and found Misty at last. She was huddled against a rock, almost blending into it as she was in the shade. Her eyes were still wide like dinner plates, and her body was trembling as if she was a power tool at a construction site. She glanced up at Candi, unimpressed by her visitor. She curled up even more, as if she was trying to shrink herself to the size of a mouse.

"Misty? Are you okay?" Candi asked, remaining where she was standing. She can't crowd Misty too much. She needs to be patient.

"I'm fine. Nothing is wrong." Misty said. She tried to raise her voice, and wanted to order Candi to go away again, but she couldn't. It was like she was tired and too weak to say anything else. She shook even more as she was mad at herself. She held herself tighter, her nails starting to dig into her skin. Candi bit her lip. She knows that Misty was lying. This only fuelled her to stand her ground even more. She doesn't care if Misty pushes her away in the end. She'll just keep trying. Cautiously, Candi knelt down on the sand after softly approaching Misty a little more. Misty tried glaring at her, but the best that she could do was frown a little.

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