As the sun set over the tranquil Lake of Ecstellar, casting a warm golden glow over the water, Prince Yeonjun couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness in his heart.

He watched with a fond smile as his boyfriend, Soobin, playfully splashed water around, their laughter blending harmoniously with the gentle lapping of the waves against the shore."Soobin, be careful," Yeonjun called out, a hint of concern in his voice as he watched Soobin's playful antics.

Soobin flashed a grin at Yeonjun before turning his attention back to the water. His playful splashes seemed to dance in the fading sunlight, a carefree expression on his face.

Suddenly, a stern voice cut through the air, "Soobin, that's enough."Both Soobin and Yeonjun turned to see Commander-in-Chief Hoseok approaching, his expression a mix of authority and protectiveness.

"Soobin, you know the boundaries," Hoseok said firmly, his gaze shifting between Soobin and Yeonjun.

"Prince Yeonjun is of royal blood, and you must remember your place."Soobin's smile faltered slightly, understanding his father's concern.

"I know, Father. I'm sorry."

Hoseok's expression softened, but his protectiveness remained evident as he spoke to Yeonjun, "Prince Yeonjun, while I have no issue with your friendship with Soobin, I must ask that you both maintain a respectable distance. Our society has its expectations, and I want what's best for my son."

Yeonjun nodded understandingly, masking his disappointment with a polite smile. "Of course, Commander-in-Chief. I respect your wishes."

As they walked back to the palace, Soobin's demeanor was more subdued, his playful spirit tempered by his father's words. Yet, his eyes held a silent promise to Yeonjun, a promise of unwavering love despite the barriers imposed by their different stations in life.

As the evening descended upon the tranquil Lake of Ecstellar, Prince Yeonjun and Soobin found themselves stealing glances filled with longing and desire, aware that their love was known to both their parents inside the palace, yet a secret to the people outside its walls.

After a brief exchange of silent communication, they both knew they wanted to steal a moment together, away from prying eyes and the expectations of the public.

Soobin discreetly motioned towards a secluded spot near the edge of the lake, hidden by the shadows of overhanging trees.

Yeonjun followed, his heart pounding with anticipation.

As they reached the secluded spot, surrounded by the gentle rustling of leaves and the soothing sounds of the water, they found themselves alone, the moon casting a soft glow over their figures.With a playful glint in his eyes, Yeonjun closed the remaining distance between them, his hand gently cupping Soobin's cheek.

"I can't resist you, Soobin," he whispered, his voice carrying a hint of mischief and longing.

Soobin's breath hitched, his eyes locked with Yeonjun's, filled with the same desire and longing. "Neither can I," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

In that secluded moment, away from the constraints of their titles and responsibilities, they leaned in simultaneously, their lips meeting in a stolen kiss.
It was a gentle yet passionate exchange, fueled by months of suppressed emotions and unspoken affection.
In Former King Kim Namjoon's personal chamber, illuminated by the soft glow of golden-hued candles and the gentle flicker of a crackling fireplace, a romantic scene unfolded between Namjoon, and Yoongi.

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