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There I was.

There I was, standing before one of the most colossal corporations in the city, a towering monolith that seemed to hold dominion over half the city. The sheer magnitude of the company and its sprawling headquarters sent shivers down my spine. The building loomed over me like a colossus, casting a shadow that seemed to stretch for miles, amplifying the weight of responsibility resting upon my shoulders.

As I gazed up at the towering structure, a sense of unease washed over me, my heart quickening its pace with each passing moment. The enormity of the task ahead felt almost suffocating, a daunting reminder of the stakes involved. It was as if the very walls of the building were closing in around me, amplifying my anxiety to dizzying heights.

My father's keen gaze caught the subtle tremble in my hands, the telltale sign of my rising panic. There was a momentary pause in his movements, a fleeting hesitation that betrayed his concern.

"Reiynah, have you seen a ghost child? Why so pale and nervous? It's not like you've never seen a building this big before," he teasingly asked, his tone light with a hint of laughter, trying to lighten the mood.

I slightly smiled, though the weight of what lay ahead pressed heavily upon me. Me, marrying the heir to the Nicolasi dynasty. The words echoed in my mind, a mixture of dread and trepidation.

"I suppose ghosts aren't the only things that can make someone pale," I replied, attempting to match his playful tone, but my voice betrayed a nervous quiver.

He seemed to notice the fear that was plastered on my face. Who wouldn't feel apprehensive? This is Ares Nicolasi we're talking about, heir to the Nicolasi throne. I've heard a great deal about him. Nearly my entire life has been filled with stories and warnings about his demeanor. He's portrayed as ruthless, cold, unyielding—a man who could dismantle a life in a mere ten seconds. Though I've never had the opportunity to lay eyes on him or engage with him directly. But today marks the beginning of that encounter.

 My father's voice broke through my thoughts, pulling me back to the present moment. "Earth to Rei?" he said, his tone gentle yet firm.

"Oh, sorry, yes?" I replied, my mind still swirling with a mix of emotions.

"Rei, what you're about to do is for the advancement of our company. Carina, I understand you're nervous, but you must maintain perfect composure and behavior as you step through that door," he explained, his words carrying a weight of responsibility.

"Dolcezza," he added, switching to Italian, a term of endearment he often used, "I'm always here. I'll be right by your side, okay?"

With a nod, I hugged him tight, enjoying probably about one the last embraces I could have with my father.

"Okay carina, go now," he said as he let go. As my father bid me farewell, I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what lay ahead. With a determined stride, I approached the grand entrance, the weight of responsibility settling firmly on my shoulders. As I entered the opulent foyer, my eyes scanned the surroundings, taking in the grandeur of the Nicolasi estate.

Approaching the reception desk, I was met by the impeccably dressed secretary, her demeanor exuding professionalism. "Good afternoon, Miss. How may I assist you?" she inquired, her voice polished and refined.

"Good afternoon," I replied, mustering a smile despite the nerves that churned within me. "I'm here to meet with Mr. Ares Nicolasi."

The secretary's gaze flickered with recognition at the mention of his name, a subtle indication of the respect and authority he commanded within these walls. "Of course, Miss. Mr. Nicolasi is expecting you. Please follow me," she said, motioning for me to accompany her.

As we made our way through the labyrinthine corridors of the estate, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation mingled with apprehension. This meeting marked the beginning of a new chapter in my life, one that held both promise and uncertainty.

With each step, I reminded myself of my father's words of encouragement and support. Drawing strength from his belief in me, I squared my shoulders and prepared to face whatever lay ahead, determined to navigate this unfamiliar world with grace and determination.

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