Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End

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When I heard the news about Bonnie, I quickly gave Micheal a call.

"Kitt, it's like 2 in the morning, what's going on?" The older man's voice questioned through my speakers.

"Micheal, please come to Bonnie's house as quickly as possible, I'm afraid something bad has occurred" I replied.

I heard him hang up. Knowing Micheal, it won't be long til I see him drive in with Karr.

"Susan! Are you okay?" I announced, projecting my voice towards the small house.

Almost instantly, the girl came running towards me, her hands covering her face, but I did not need to see it to know she had been crying. I watched as she fell onto my hood, in a sob, and wrapped her arms around what she could grasp.

I was also rather surprised by the news that Bonnie had passed, so I decided to scan the premises. I found Bonnie's body laying in her bed, still a bit of warmth in her, so she could not have died all that long ago. Scanning her body left me to discover reason to believe she had gone into cardiac arrest at around 1:45 AM, and had passed fifteen minutes before we had gotten here. Leaving the approximate time of death to be 1:56.

Susan was still crying, I felt sympathy for the girl.

"Susan, I'm very sorry this happened" I opened my passenger door and let her in

"Kitt" she began in between sobs "why her? Why now?"

"Sometimes things happen that not even I can explain..."

The poor girl kept sobbing. Her child would grow up without Bonnie in her life.

Just then I was punched with reality.

Bonnie was gone. My friend, my doctor, my counselor, my mother, was gone. I'd never see her again, ever. Although robotic, I felt as if for the first time in my life I had felt true emotion. Grief. Flashbacks had fallen over me. I remember bit from when the foundation was in its prime. Bonnie would always have deep conversations with me when she fixed me. She told me about everything. How her day was going, who made her angry, her lovers, I don't think there's one thing I don't know about her from those long and heartfelt conversations.

I heard Karr's engine come roaring down the road, and his tires scream as he halted suddenly right next to me. Michael popped out, then ran to my passenger door and begged Susan to come out. She came out and asked, then began to sob in his arms. Shortly after, he had sat her down in the lawn of the home and began reassuring her softly.

"Kitt, What the hell happened, and why was I taken out of sleep mode?" Karr asked, his voice just as menacing as I remembered it to be.

"Karr, Bonnie's dead."

"What? No. She cannot be. Who will maintain us?"

"I wish I could answer that for you."

A police car pulled into the driveway behind me, followed by something I was hoping not to see. A first call van. The officer popped out of the car and was talking to Micheal, while a team came out of the van and into the building. I wanted to say something like, "Wait, I want to see her." However, they'd probably think that they are crazy for listening to car talk and I didn't feel like scaring off more people than necessary. I also wanted to turn to Micheal and say something, but I noticed that now he and Susan were both crying together.

This is such a horrible day, such an amazing person was lost. I watched, almost in horror as they brought out Bonnie in a black bag. If I were human, I'm sure I would have thrown up.

I felt bad for Karr too.

He had only met Bonnie when she was trying to kill him, it's not fair he missed out on such a wonderful person.

After a few more hours, Bonnie and Micheal finally returned to their corresponding cars. As Susan walked up to me she said, "Can you text Bo and tell him what happened?"

"Yes Susan"

I made my way to text him and she slid inside the driver's seat.

"May I drive home?"

"Yes, but I will be supervising, it isn't entirely safe to drive in an emotional condition like this."

We pulled out of the driveway after Susan said her goodbyes to Micheal and Karr.

As we drove home, I noticed some erotic behavior from Susan. She'd jerk the wheel, and swerve, but then quickly regain control.

"Susan, I'd feel a lot more comfortable if I drove"

"I'm gonna drive, Kitt"

I continued to let her under close control, I knew if I argued with her she would lash out on me.

I tried to keep a good bit of the driving myself, such as, I'd stiffen my wheels on her if I noticed her attempting to swerve.

Suddenly, I felt a brief loss of control of myself, memories of Bonnie flooded my power banks. I had completely forgotten that I was supposed to be supervising Susan. I was quickly reminded when I snapped back to reality and found myself on the wrong side of traffic. I tried to steer out of it but Susan had a good grip on my wheel. I watched in horror as a semi came plowing down the road, I wanted to scream. I was hit, I felt my wheels come off the ground as my fender made hideous screeching noises as it scraped against the ground. I did everything in my power to protect Susan, deploying airbags, tightening the seat belt around her, and letting a good bit of clean oxygen into my cabin. Another screech came down the road, this time, from another car's tires. It slammed on the brakes trying to miss me, but I felt the impact. Everything turned fuzzy, then I lost connection.

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