He blinks at the blinding smile of Joong.

"Oh, Hi... Joong." He unconsciously touched the side of his neck while looking away. One of the things he does when nervous.

"How were you? I haven't seen you around. "

I always see around though. Dunk thinks to himself. That would sound creepy if he would say it out loud.

"I was busy with art class." He simply says.

"Are you alone? Would you mind if I join you?"

"No. But don't you have football practice? I think I've seen Pond went to practice just now."

"Uh, the thing is.." Jong scratched his nape. "I quit football."

Dunk's eyes went wider. Now it made sense what Phuwin was telling him, someone left the football team and the majorettes joined them and quit the band instead. Resulting to Phuwin's distressed. His poor friend. Lmao.

"Why did you quit?"

"I just had a thought after you told me you wanted to play football but couldn't. I feel like I took the chance of other aspiring players when I didn't even want to play. You know what I mean? "

Dunk looked at him as if he's got two horns.

"I-i didn't mean it like that. I don't intend to make you quit. Oh my god. I'm sorry." Dunk buried his face in his palms.

"Hey, why are you apologizing?" Joong tries to uncover his face while slightly laughing. "It's okay. It was my decision. You have nothing to do with it." He says gently.

Dunk's chest feels heavy with guilt.

"How about your dad?" Dunk frowns.

"He's cool with it. He's actually glad that I tried it and it didn't just turn it down completely. He just thought i would love it like he did but it didn't happen."

"But you're a good player."

"So you watch me?"

Dunk blushed.

"I'm just kidding. I know you always come to see Pond play, I just didn't expect you would notice me."

Dunk decided not to tell him that he just come to watch whenever he's playing. His attention was never towards anyone else but him. How can he also not notice that?

"And yeah, I'm a good player but there's always someone better and deserves the spot. "

Dunk sighs. That's kinda true. But shame he couldn't watch Joong out in the field now. He'll miss taking pictures of him playing football.

"I'm gonna join the band instead. I will try singing, my dad also loves singing before, you know."

"You always talk about your dad." Dunk noticed.

"Yeah, he's kinda sick so I'm trying to make the most out of it while he's still with us."


Joong noticed the pout on Dunk's lips and how he would blink away. He gets teary eyed just by that. He finds it cute in the most platonic way.

"How about your mom?" Dunk asks before he could stop himself. "I'm sorry. You don't have to answer."

Joong have no idea why he is sharing his personal life with Dunk who he's seen only just a couple times but he just feels comfortable and Dunk looks so interested and concerned although there's nothing even to be sad about.

"No, no. I feel comfortable talking with you. Uhm, she passed away long ago. "

"I'm so sorry about that, Joong. It must be so hard for you. "

He sniffed, although he really tries not to cry out of sympathy. Joong can tell he's so softhearted

"No. Please, don't feel sorry. I'm fine now."

"Is your dad, the only family left with you?" Dunk subtly wipes the small tears off his eyes, as if Joong wouldn't notice.

"I actually have a half brother. We're not that close because we didn't grew up together but I'm trying to catch up with him. He's a little hard to soften but our dad loves him so I'm trying my best to be patient."

Joong can now see he's relieved. Joong smiles, it's like reading a book how Dunk reacts. It's so endearing to watch.

Now he understands why he only got two friends, as what he mentioned before. People would take advantage of of people like him.

"Don't worry now." Joong reassures.

"I'm not worried, I'm just sad. I know someone who has the same situation."

Dunk honestly says and Joong nods in understanding.

"Anyway, do you want to get an ice cream? I've been craving since this burning weather started."

Dunk suddenly looks up at him with bright eyes. He's so transparent even with food. Joong chuckles. He wanted to ease the other from the information he tossed him out of nowhere and also to stop making him sad.

"I want icecream too! "


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