thirty one

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▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ "THEY FOUND Y/N!" Allmight let out the air he had been holding

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▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ "THEY FOUND Y/N!" Allmight let out the air he had been holding. After  receiving a call from  Midoryia to update him on your where abouts, him and recovery girl  let go of the breath they both didnt realize they were holding.

It had been now day 5 of your mission, and you were still, MIA up until now.

On the other hand, your class was completely clueless on what was going on, especially since classes were cancelled due to Aizawa not being present.

Overall, it was a sloppy mess but Katsuki was happy.

Midoryia and Kirishima sat next to Katsuki, his phone on speaker.

"Where is she?"

"Shes on Fayette and Lucking street! The old pizza parlor! Hurry! Theres a bunch of people stuck there and the bad woman will be back soon!" the boy pleaded

Hanging up woth Toshinori, Izuku rushed to tell Aizawa the news

"Where are you?"

The boy told his location.

Without a second thought, katsuki grabbed his gauntlets, running out the door aimlessly to find the street he needed to be on, Kirishima going to tell the other heroes where you were.

After about 15 minutes, he finally found it, seeing the little boy stand on the corner, dirt infested onto his melanin skin.

"Are you Zion?"

"Yes! Come this way!"

The rush down the street was short and quick, Katsuki sharing his location with the rest of the pro heroes.

Stepping over the glass, he rushed in, looking for you.

"Y/N?" He called

"In here!" you yelled back, the group of people worried.

"Its okay, it's my boyfriend! Hes a hero in training too and hes bringing us backup so we can get out of here , yeah? I dont want you guys to leave  and she finds you guys instantly . So, I had Zion call my friends to help us get you guys out and somewhere safe, yeah? "

They nodded

Katsuki froze when he saw you, your curls hanging lifelessly in different directions , brittle to the touch.

"Hey Kat" you whispered, looking at him lovingly

His breath hitched in his throat
"E-Erm... We have fucking backup coming... What the hell is going on?"

"My fucking mom is whats going on! Long story short, she has all these people she kept in cages and made a fake mission to kidnap me, in order to take my quirk and make her the most ' powerful villain'. As much as I wanted to escape, theres no escaping and fighting while i have more than 40 lives on the line... So i've been stuck here and actually able to walk around the last day or two trying to figure out how to get everyone to a safe place.

Shes too powerful with just me fighting her.. But now that i have back up, I can get them out of here! " You sighed relief, the group cheering happily that they'd be free.

"I wouldn't think that so far ahead! You haven't paid me nearly enough'!" Moyo walked through the doors, his arms crossed as his fist were balled.

"Who the fuck is that?"

"Thats Moyo... My fake brother" you spat.

"I've given you two million dollars! What fucking more do you want?"


"HIM? As in Bakugo?"


"Dude.. What the fuck? you cant fucking have me!" Im not a damn object!"

"I didnt ask that did i?"

The two of ylu looked between each-other, faces contorted in disgust and surprise.

"Let us talk about it."

Before he could answer, you two went into a huddle, whispering away.

"Tell him yes, i promised he wouldnt go to jail. Act like you like him. When whoever else is coming is here, he goes down first once our hostages our out. Deal?"

"Lets fucking do it.." He huffed in annoyance.

"Fuckin' fine. I  can be yours...?" it came off more so as a question that a statement, although that somehow elated Moyo.

"Great!" he clapped his hands together happily.

"So. Are we gonna stand around or let these people out?"

"Hold the fuck on, im calling Aizawa"

You nodded, turning back to the group to soothe fears.

"Good, we're down the street" Aizawa said out the phone, a group of speeding cars speeding down and skirting to a halt outside .

Within seconds of it, heroes were inside the establishment , taking the hostages to the vans to be free, police officers coming in behind them.

"Y/N!" Izuku yelled , running towards you to hug you

"Y/N, are you hurt?" Aizawa questioned, his attention turning to the man in the corner.

"Who the fuck are you?" he growled, his scarf wrapped around him.

"Im Moyo, dad" the boy replicated Zion's voice.

"Dad , he helped mom!" you stuck your middle finger at the man, who's face turned into disgust and betrayal

" And your daughter gave me 4 million bucks!" He smirked mischievously

" You do know i wished it back, right? You were never getting out of here without going to jail."

" And what makes you think you were going to leave out of here?"

Everyone looked at the door, your mother standing there with an angry face

"Me, actually!" you yelled, your eyes glowing.

"Your rain of terror stops today, M/N! Going beyond being a crazy bitch and kidnapping our daughter and son?" Aizawa growled

"Ill show you who-" Kirishima with a hardened arm knocked the woman out cold.

"Reiniforcments are here!" he said with a smile, the other heroes that came along in the doorway.

"Well... If it was that easy, I woulsve did it by now!" you whinned.


The  rest of your night consisted of you in the hospital, mainly for dehydration. You were so focused on everyone else, you didnt take care of yourself.

You were  free, and your mom was in Tartarus , awaiting for sentencing. You offically had your brother Zion, the real deal, imperfectly perfect group of friends, and an amazing boyfriend.

Your life , finally reached an all time high.

Genie| K. Bakugo {REWRITING}Where stories live. Discover now