"Ijichi, are you sure she is his soulmate?"

Haibara asked and this time, Panda answered

"Yes, we're sure. We saw the soulmate burn mark from her touch on his arm clearly. I even took a picture, see"

He said, coming closer to Geto. He showed them a picture where everyone. Sure enough, there was a clear hand print burn mark on Yuta's arm

From Geto, Gojo took the phone to look at the photo. Then the rest also saw it

"There is no denying it... It's a soulmate mark"

Haibara quietly said, still looking at the picture

The teachers nodded

"Are you sure about it, Sukuna?"

Geto asked

"I'm pretty sure... Though it was atleast a few centuries before the Hein era, it was known pretty well. We had written letters and articles from our ancestors about the matter and people back then didn't like to lie about things like this"

He said nonchalantly

"Then how can Yuta have a soulmate -


Sukuna interrupted again, thinking something

"But what?"

Nanami raised a eyebrow at him

Sukuna hesitated a moment, thinking about something

"Suku-nii, please don't lie. We need to know. I want a soulmate too!"

Yuji said, giving his nii-san a puppy dog eyes

Sukuna stared at him before patting his head

"Don't get your hopes high, brat."

Before looking back at the adults in the room

"There were many women then who could see curses but they didn't exorcise curses... So they were punished for no reason

So they cried and begged to the goddess to think about it more. To not punish them for a mistake they didn't have any idea of.

Their tears melted the ice of her heart and she gave in them though she couldn't take her curse back

So she said that there will be someone... A person who'll break the curse for them/us. It could be today, it could be tomorrow, she didn't specify the era. She'll not be strong and will be fragile. So it was also like a test, to see if we love them or not. If we did love the "chosen one" is what they called her, then the curse will be broken and from the next decade, all sorcerers will be borned with soulmates "

Sukuna stated, frowning his eyebrows, trying to remember more

Again, the room went quiet again

"So are you implying this woman is the chosen one who'll free us from this miserable curse?"

Nobara asked straightforwardly

Sukuna just shrugged

"I can't be all sure. But all I can do is tell you what I know. It's a really long time ago. Nothing is hundred percent sure now"

Sukuna explained, petting Yuji's head like he was petting a dog


Mimiko started

Mimiko normally didn't talk much, but when she did, it was something useful. So everyone listened to her carefully

"If what king said is true... I'm glad Yuta-kun is the one who was chosen for her. As a girl myself, I would be delighted to have Yuta-kun as a soulmate "

Fated Souls { JJK Men X OC } (Soulmate au)Where stories live. Discover now