'KISS THE RADIO' podcast

Start from the beginning

felix giggles, leaning in again once more.

"how about a third favourite thing?" he continues.

now the members are really giggling like crazy, and you hide your face again, hoping they don't notice how much you're blushing.

everyone continues to await his answer.

"the third favourite thing about you..." he repeats again, the entire room going silent, and eyes turning towards the two of you.

everyone still giggles, knowing how red you must be right now.

he looks at you softly, taking a deep breath.

"i love the way you smile..." he whispers softly.

the room goes quiet as everyone takes in his answer.

I was melting like a ice cream, and i want to know the reason he like the way i smile. 

"what the reason?..."

"because..." he begins. "because it's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen..."

he continues.

everyone in the room gasps, the members still giggling as they realize that the two of you are having a moment right now.

felix is shocked as it's the first time he's seen the oldest like that.

"and because..." he continues.

the room goes completely silent, and everyone stops giggling. they know this next statement is the most important.

"because that's when i know that you're happy...~" he continues, making you blush even more.

everyone is shocked at his answer, knowing how much that means to him.

as the room stays silent, a few of the members catch your gaze, noticing how red you're turning.

it was like everything was silent around you, and the attention you're getting makes you even more flustered.

felix laughs.

"aw, you guys look cute like that..."

I was melting to much until i want to fell from the chair but it didnt.

the members continue to giggle at the two of you, seeing how red you are

felix leans closer to seungmin once more, grinning.

"now, i know i'm just making everything awkward but..." he continues, making seungmin blush again.

"what is your favorite thing about her?~" he asks, and everyone goes dead silent.

everyone looks at you, waiting on the oldest member's answer...

he looks to the side, thinking for a moment.

all his thoughts of you flash in his mind, and there's so many things he loves about you.

everyone waits on his answer, as you look at him, your heart beating so fast. your face burns with the most intense blush, as you wonder what his answer would be.

he stares at you, realizing how he hasn't told you any of this before. he's never told someone else how he truly feels.

he begins to talk.

"there's so many things that i love about you..." he continues. "you make me happier in ways i've never imagined."

everyone in the room's breaths hitch, taken aback by his words.

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