Chapter 1

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It was a Stormy and Gloomy day.... Screams of agony spread across the Castle, maids running up and down the halls in chaos, Rhaenyra was to give birth to her First Child... her Future Heir.

"AHHHHHHHH" Rhaenyra screamed, Viserys stood panicked, he got flash backs of his Late wife and what happened that day, he was worried the same would happen. Many had spread rumours that the child would not make it as soon as the child was announced to be a Girl. Viserys tried his hardest to look after his Daughter to make sure the birthing of his Granddaughter was perfect and successful. Rhaenyra had been in Labour for 2 days things were not looking good for the Targaryens.

"What gender is my child" leynor said

"Is my daughter and granddaughter okay?" Viserys asked worried, he looked around the room for answers.

The maid turned around with a new born baby in her hands kicking around, but not screaming. Viserys took the child from the maid with the biggest smile on his face "my little future Queen" he cooed to the Infant, the baby let out a "ah" and grabbed Viserys nose and refused to let go. The room let out laughs at the babys actions. Rhaenyra let out a soft smile as she watched the two bond before she passed out from exhaustion.


In the other side of the castle Alicent paced around as Aegon babbled to himself on the floor, "i do not understand how this... child is more celebrated then my SON, HE is the rightful Heir not Rhaenyra and her Daughter" she said with a disgusted face.

Otto sat their watching his daughter pace with an amused smile "yes but Viserys cares for his Daughter born from love... Alicent" he spat

This caused Alicent to be filled with Anger, Viserys hadn't even been there for Alicent after the Birth of Aegon, he was laying and resting in his bed, now its almost 3 years later and Viserys condition has worsened but he was there for Rhaenyra almost 24/7. Alicent glared down at the now crying baby Aegon as he stood up and tripped over his toy when trying to walk toward his mother which made him cry more.

Alicent rolled her eyes "what was the point father if he wont even be Heir? You made me seduce the king and for what? A first born son that wont be heir and the King doesn't even care for"

Otto grew irritated "shut up child, i have it handled" he said before slamming the door on Alicent as he was not even meant to be in the Kingdom. Alicent fell to the floor crying as she held her baby bump for some sort of emotional support, the third baby of Alicent was due very soon but every day Alicent felt she grew weaker and weaker every passing day.

She just hoped it was another daughter. Aegons tiny hand touched Alicents foot, the older woman flinched and swatted him away "begone ugh" the almost four year old sat there smiling as he had no clue what she meant.


Visenya was now 5 years old, she made her first Debut to the Kingdom on her 1st Nameday, since then the kingdom debated if she was really even Laenors child as her skin was not quite... close. But when her brothers were born and the Kingdom saw them, they dropped further speculation on Visneya and moved onto the Brunette born Boys.

The Velaryon, Hightowers and Targaryens sat in the dining hall eating dinner, little Visenya and Aegon sat next to one another, throwing food at each-other as Helaena tried to break the two up because some food was getting in her hair.

Viserys sat laughing as he held 3 year old Jace in his arms, "a fine knight Jace will be will he not Alicent?" Alicent looked over after she passed 4 year old Aemond to a maid to be placed in his seat next to Halaena. "Yes husband" is all she said before taking a bite of her food.

"Is it not amazing we get to sit here all together and eat next to one another like a true family" viserys cheered.

"It is my King! Our children get along so well do they not" laenor chimed in since no one else responded to Viserys.

"Fucking cock" little Visenya cried as she smacked her Uncle off his chair. Rhaenyra and Laenor tried to hide their laugh by covering their faces behind their wine. Alicent looked to Viserys to tell the young girl off but he did not, he laughed very loudly instead but it ended in him coughing his lungs up until he had to be escorted out of the hall.

Alicent followed after snatching young Aemond off his chair as she saw no need for her to remain with this "family"

Aegon got up and started yelling "WHAT WAS THAT FOR ASS WIPE" Visenya threw wine in his face and stuck out her tongue.

"You are older yet can never beat me Uncle" Visenya taunted

"Enough you two" Rhaenyra chimed as she smiled softly as the scene infront of her reminded her of her childhood with her Uncle. Everytime she saw the two kids play or fight it brought her back to when she was young. She was not blind, i mother knows.


Alicent raged and threw a vase accross the room almost hitting Sir Criston. "HE JUST LETS THAT BASTARD BULLY HIS FIRST BORN SON" sir criston stood there and let her get her anger out.

"he favours his granddaughter over the true heir" sir criston mumbled. Alicent stopped and turned toward Sir Criston. "If i heard you wrong please correct me but.. these words you speak can be considered treason Criston. But you make a fair point, my son is useless but that girl is worse" she spat

"Hitting my son. Yelling at him. Forcing him to commit foul crimes." Alicent created a list of why she hates Visneya in her head.

A knock stopped the two from talking further as the door creaked open. It was Visneya "hello my Queen, is Aegon here?" She kindly asked, completely ignoring sir criston.

Alicent sent glares toward the young girl and was about to tell her to be gone until a hand was placed on the girls shoulder and Rhaenyras face appeared, "his not here my daughter, let us leave" the older woman said as she led the two of them away from the Queen.

"That child is no Velaryon... that is Daemons child and i must find proof" Alicent schemed. Sir criston smiled in pride.

Hey yall, please ignore if the time gaps and age differences are wrong, i cbf to get them right.

Aegon is 3 years older than Visenya in this as Visenya came a couple months before Aemond.

At the end of this chapter Aegon is 8
Helaena is 6
Visenya is 5
Aemond is 5
Jace is 4
Luce is 2

(Baela and rhaena would be 3)

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