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"Dr. Grey" Abby Bianchi asks Meredith, it's been a month since Talon was born and we are now in court. Now our lawyers are doing everything they can to keep Derek from the baby's life. Maddie's friends are here while Derek's friends and family are with him "Is it true that Dr. Swan said the words 'No, there will be no memories. I'm not the girl in the bar anymore and you're not the guy, your my boss and I'm your intern. We should keep things professional, okay?' to which Dr. Shepherd proceeded with 'You took advantage of me and now you want to forget about it' Dr. Swan then argues 'I did'"

"Objection" Mr. Bianchi stands up "how is any of this relevant?"

"Dr. Shepherd used his authority and rank over my client" Abby tells the judge "everyone deserves to know what happened in that stairwell"

"I'll allow it" the judge looks at Meredith, the judge Abby told us is a woman who has no bias towards the hospital unlike a few other judges.

"Dr. Shepherd" Abby continues to read what Maddie told her word for word "said 'I was drunk, vulnerable and good looking and you took advantage' my client then said 'that is it what happened and you know it, we both didn't drink too much. I bet the bartender can even confirm that neither of us drank too much and you know what? Your not that good looking' he then said 'maybe not today, last night however I was very good looking. I had my red shirt on. You took advantage and you want to take advantage again. How about Friday night around seven?'" It's clear his friends didn't know that, Abby looks at the judge "Dr. Grey is it true these words were said?"

"Um" she looks around "I'm pretty sure he asked her out to dinner too"

Abby waves to that "Hear that?! Not a denial! Dr. Shepherd knew it was wrong and he didn't want to hear how before the two of them started work that it meant nothing, he wanted a mistress since he was in pain from his ex wife cheating in him with his best friend. Months later when my client found out the truth, so did everyone else and she was seen as a slut. Her nickname" grabbing a sheet "was the Slutty Intern or where Dr. Shepherd's formal job his friends and family called her the Lustful Intern. Your honor, my client has suffered a number of injuries because of this man. Starting from defamation to rape"

"Objection!" Mr. Bianchi objects "Dr. Shepherd never raped Dr. Swan!"

"Oh really?" Abby demands "I'd like to call Dr. Madelynn Swan to the stand" Maddie hands me Talon who sleeps peacefully in my arms, she goes to the stand "Dr. Swan? Is it true you had been drinking the night your son Talon was conceived?"

"Yes" she confirms

"And what do you remember?" She asks

"I remember Derek sitting next to me" she says "I remember him ordering something, I then remembered his wife then I left. I remember kissing him and then him inside of me"

"Do you remember if he used a condom?" She asks

"No" shaking her head "I can't even remember saying yes"

"That is a lie! She said yes and wanted it!" Derek yells starling Talon, I calm him down.

"Sit down!" The judge orders

"Your honor" Abby says "how can my client in good conscience leave her son with a man who has caused her so much pain and suffering, in both her private and professional life. Her name has been stained so even if she got a job away from this man who's to say she won't be remembered for what happened. Just like in the world of law where you need to know people it's the same with the medical world, my client will forever be known as the Slutty Intern and she can never be rid of this man" pointing to Derek, I have a feeling this will be worse than death. It's why I'm not killing him "he purposely forced himself upon her to keep her by his side, he has connections that he could ruin any chances of her getting a job at another great hospital. Which begs the question, why wasn't he reprimanded? There is a record and several testimonies that my client went to HR but nothing was found, is it because the hospital favors Dr. Shepherd since he's a fancy neurosurgeon? How can any of us trust this man? Nothing further"

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