Chapter Four: Now You're Dangerously Close

Start from the beginning

While Zuko considered his dislike for the way that they spoke in unison for often, Lo picked up one of the rocks that was laying on the table. It was dark and completely round. "The beach has a special way..." she began before handing the rock to her sister.

"...of smoothing even the most ragged edges," said Li. She rubbed her hand over the rock.

Azula yawned as Ty Lee joined the group again.

Together, Lo and Li clapped their hands. "Time to hit the beach!" they said, and then they pulled their robes open to reveal that they had old pink swimsuits on underneath.

Zuko covered his eyes. This was... too much.

The beach wasn't as fun as Zuko remembered it being. No matter what he did, he just kept getting on the wrong side of Mai's patience. He didn't understand why she didn't like seashells. Didn't everyone like seashells? Did Song Lee like seashells?

That didn't matter. He pushed her out of his head again.

Finally, Azula got bored of glaring at Ty Lee getting loads of attention from boys and summoned her, along with as Zuko and Mai, to play volleyball. It had been a while since Zuko had played, but he didn't care. Anything was better than nothing.

"See that girl with the silly pigtails?" asked Azula as the four of them huddled together before the match. "When she runs towards the ball, there's just the slightest hesitation of her left foot. I'm willing to bet a childhood injury has weakened her. Keep serving the ball to her left and we'll destroy her and the rest of her team."

Azula, Zuko decided, was way too intense for a ball game.

"Dismissed," she said, and the four of them spread out.

The following game of volleyball, true to Azula's nature, was the most extreme that Zuko had ever played. The other team didn't stand a chance, and after Azula's last serve, the net was literally on fire. "Yes!" said Azula to the opposite team, her fingers curled into claws and her eyes burning. "We defeated you for all time. You will never rise from the ashes of your shame and humiliation!"

Then she sighed happily and turned back to Zuko, Mai, and Ty Lee. "Well! That was fun."

Two more boys suddenly materialized next to Ty Lee. "I'm having a party tonight," said the taller one to her. "You should come by."

"Sure!" she replied. "I love parties!"

Zuko cringed internally. Why did she talk like that?

"Your friend can come, too," said the other boy, who was very obviously checking out Mai.

"Um, what about me and my brother?" asked Azula before Zuko could do anything about it. "Aren't you going to invite us?"

The boys exchanged a glance.

"You don't know how we are, do you?" asked Azula, her tone suddenly thoughtful. A dangerous sign.

"Don't you know who we are?" asked the taller boy. "We're Chan and Ruan-Jian."

"Yeah," said the other boy. Probably Ruan-Jian.

Zuko began walking over, ready to punch whoever he was in the face, but Azula flung an arm out to stop him.

"But fine, you're invited," said Chan. "Just so you know, though, some of the most important teenagers in the Fire Nation are going to be at this party, so... try and act normal."

"We'll do our best," said Azula, her smile dangerous.

Back at the house that evening, the four teenagers were eating dinner with Lo and Li when Zuko asked, "Why didn't you tell those guys who we were?"

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