❲ The Notebooks. ❳

Start from the beginning

Getting ready though, probably took a little more while than it should've. Every step I took, my eyes darted towards the notebooks. Before amd after changing, while putting my shoes on - even while eating, my mind wasn't even getting off of those notebooks.

At the end, I decided to pick them up with me to school, and also smartly decided to tell Nix about them on the bus.

“Woah.. this are really old and musty..” he said as he examined the notebooks.

“I know. I assumed it was some passed-on treasure. What dark web sells a notebook titled the Child of Abomination - things to note?”

“The dark web's a freaky place, Xav. Never know what fucked up stuff you'll find there.”

I shrugged my shoulders, “That is true..”. Me and Nix just sat there, looking at the notebooks for a minute.

Y’know Xav.. We should definitely read this before class. We have a shit ton of time today - it's free first period.”

“..Well, you’re taking that abomination bullshit, I'm taking the diary.”

“What - no! I don't wanna get cursed, fuck that.. I ain't seeing no blondie in my room tonight.” Nix exclaimed.

I simply sighed and rolled my eyes, “And neither do I, but guess where we are. And plus - this shit came from the son of a Priest.”

“The ‘Child of Abomination’ can't be the most normal thing you hear at a church.”

“Yeah well -” Trying to think of something logical to connect the two terms, I ended up with no words to say. “Fine.” I finally said, giving him the diary as he gave me the notebook. I just looked at him annoyingly before teasing him;

“Should probably stop catfishing with those muscles - they're useless.”

“Shut up.”


It had been no less than an hour since we've been on the school's grounds, reading these notebooks away as we ate snacks. The notebook I had, the Abomination one, was real disturbing. A quarter into the notebook, and it has mentioned all sorts of things; sacrifices, blood, demons, some bullshit prophecy, all of those freaky stuff.

I was laying dowing on my back, while Nix was laying on his side with the side of his head resting on his palm, eating away some pockeys we were sharing together. I was reading some line about some ritual before I had heard, probably the 20th, chuckle from Nix.

“This guy was for sure obsessed with Sal..”

I looked at him and then the notebook with interest. “Sal's mentioned?”

“Oh yeah, loads of times. Bro's in love with 'em.” he said as he turned to the next page in his notebook. “Also, this dude also seems responsible for this Abomination bull.”


“Yeah.” he confirmed with a hint of laugh in his word.

I scooted closer to him, flipping the notebook I was reading so it's facing on the ground. I was now behind him, on my knees and crouching to read what he was reading.

Rather than anything, the diary was far more interesting than those notes. But Nix wasn't lying. This guy might as well have been neck-deep in love with sal.

Won’t be surprised if they're married by the end of this diary...” Nix joked.

I laughed at his comment. As we read on, forgetting about the notes entirely, there actually were some important things in the diary to note down. Apparently, Nockfell was under the control of the ministry at that time. And, even better, the ministry did seem to have some sort of cult underground, and the writer was a part of it.

It was obvious he didn't want any part of it, but was forced to do so. Halfway through the diary, we had to close it since our second period was just 15 minutes away. Though, the diary did end up being pretty helpful for the majority.

Nix told me how there was an entry which was almost too much of a coincidence to ignore.
“‘Suicide, sacrifice, sentence.’ all written in bold multiple times, some abbreviated. It was freaky...” he said. I wondered in thought though before replying to him, saying,

“Coincides with their deaths, doesn't it?” I asked him, a hint of laugh in my tone, not really serious about it.

“Who's death?”

“Y'know.. Larry, Todd 'n Sal's.”

“.. I guess it does.” Nix claimed.

We both began packing up our things as well as the wrappers of everything we ate into the side pockets of our bags. We'll through it away once we find a bin on the way.

As I picked up one of the notebooks, I remembered something. I debated for a minute as I swung my bag on my shoulder, waiting for Nix to finish his packing. Should I even tell him?

“Alright,” Nix sighed out, “C’mon, still have 5 minutes.”

Nix began to walk towards the school building, but was only a few steps away from me before I turned to him.

“Actually, Nix?”

Nix turned around to face me.


“I have.. I have something to tell you about. Or, well - someone.”


{Words :; 1455.}

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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