Chapter 1

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"Aunt Freya, are we any closer to finding my twin?" A 28 year old Hope asked. "Unfortunately, no." Freya sighed, placing the burnt sage back into a dish. "He has to be out there somewhere right? I mean, he couldn't have just vanished." Hayley said, placing a hand on her daughter's shoulder.

The whole family was together for Hope's birthday. But Hope didn't feel right celebrating without her twin, she never did. So, like every year, the family spent it looking for the lost mikaelson.

Freya, Davina, and Hope all suddenly let out a gasp.

"What is it?" Kol asked, placing a hand on his wife's shoulder.

"An energy surge was just released into the atmosphere." Freya said.

"I can feel him." Hope said. "It's like a string, tethering me to him. Can we track it?" Hope asked her aunt.

"No, but we can draw from it. See what's happened. Hopefully, from his memories, we can see where he is. Or at least where he's been." Kol said.

"I don't know that spell." Freya said.
"I can teach it to you, sister." Kol said as he quickly gathered ingredients.

Kol set the spell up as Davina, Hope, and Freya watched closely. Drawing into their memory.

"We all need to hold hands. Whatever you do, don't let go. No matter what we see. It will break the connection and we could get lost in his brain." Kol said.

The Mikaelson all grabbed ahold of each others hands, Klaus giving Hope a light squeeze.

"Ready?" Kol asked. Everyone nodded in confirmation.

"Freya, when you're ready, read the spell. Wind will pick up and it will feel as though you're getting sucked through a straw. Hold on tight. Remember, don't let go!" Kol said, giving a nod to Freya when he was finished talking.


The Mikaelson's all opened their eyes, confused by what they saw. It was a red hallway with lightning strikes painted on the walls.

"We shall take turns opening doors. Each door holds a core memory for him. Some may be happy, others not so much. Hope, I believe you should go first." Kol said. Hope tentatively walked towards a door, looking back at her family, bodies twisting the door on and pushing it open.

"I'm sorry, he has a daughter!?" Klaus stated as they were spit back out into the hallway.

"I have a granddaughter." Hayley smiled at Elijah. Hope hugged her parents.

"That's him. He's okay!" Davina smiled at Kol. "I'm more worried bout the topic of that argument he was having with that young woman." Elijah stated.

"That was a heated argument about their daughter. I want to see her." Klaus said, walking up to another door and pushing it open.

"And a grandson!" Kol smirked. "Wait, they said from the future. He can interact with the future?" Hope asked confused. "It appears so." Freya furrowed her eyebrows.

"That's so cool!" Hope smiled. Klaus and Hayley smiled at their grandkids on the screen.

"We made good people too." Hayley smiled at Klaus.

"That we did, little wolf. We did indeed." He smiled, giving her a hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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