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Quackity sits in class by Crest's desk like always. He can't focus, can't stop thinking.
The memory is so clear now... he can't stop feeling it over and over again, part of him wonders if more could have happened.

He puts his head down on his desk and Crest looks over at him worriedly.

"Um... you ok?" He asks.

"Just didn't mean to drink that much at the party..." Quackity replies.

"Yeah that was lame, sorry there wasn't supposed to be wine I was told, Skyler is dumb sometimes, well all the time" Crest rambles a little, "he thinks he's all that."

"I mean Skyler is hot" Quackity shrugs then puts a hand to his mouth, "oops."

Crest blinks in surprise, "oh yeah, you're gay right? I'm questioning, i think I'm bi though."

"Really huh..." Quackity thinks for a moment, "is Paddle...?"

"Yeah Paddle and Wilbur are both bi" Crest replies, "they are cool, I'm glad i get to be their friend."

"How did you become their friend" Quackity asks.

"I moved and on the first day of highschool at their school Paddle came right up to me and invited me to sit with them" Crest tells him.

"Paddle seems nice" Quackity replies wanting more information, "how did Paddle meet Wilbur?"

"They got partnered on a paddleboarding field trip" Crest replies, "that's what Wilbur said to me at least, it was shortly after Wilbur moved from England to America."

"Is Wilbur nice too?"

Crest looks at Quackity curiously, "well yes...? What's the interest in Wilbur?"

"Well he is my roommate and i don't like to talk to him- so i just thought I'd ask you these things- and... stuff" Quackity smiles awkwardly his mind going back to the kiss again, Wilbur's hands on his waist.

Crest shrugs, "well alright, and yeah Wilbur is nice, he struggles to get girlfriends though for whatever reason."

"Mm..." Quackity looks away.

Wilbur does have good hand placement... wait what no.

Crest is still looking at him strange so he shuts up about Wilbur and puts his head back down on his desk.

"Ima sleep, wake me when class is over" he sighs.

"Ok!" Crest says brightly then turns back to the front of the class. It's silent for a moment and Quackity tries to drift off.

"Hey Quackity" Crest whispers, "sorry but, do you ever just suddenly remember every embarrassing thing you ever did?"

Quackity turns his head and looks over at Crest.

"Uh huh... sometimes"

"Ok good, I thought I was the only one" Crest replies, "sorry you can go back to sleep now."

Quackity smiles slightly, Crest seems like he would make a good counselor. Even though he is a little confused about things sometimes. He's pretty nice.

Wilbur POV

Ugh, he needs to talk to his roommate. He is sitting in the dorm on his bed staring at his phone screen.
He stares at Quackity's decline to his offer to talk, if he won't agree to talk then how will it be ok? Wilbur thought he had made progress in making Quackity warm up to him... but now it's messed up.

Or maybe Quackity was just pretending to be friendly with him in the first place... but he could have sworn while they were drunk that was the real Quackity personality, like how he is around his true friends.

Roommates, A TNT Duo auWhere stories live. Discover now