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Wilbur POV

Quackity reddens even more at his comment but leans into him more, Wilbur feels warmth inside as he does that. He knows Quackity wants to accept his offer, but he also understands that the shorter male could be very unsure.

He longs to kiss him again but he doesn't, he wants Quackity to answer first, so that he can be his boyfriend for real, before they kiss again.

Quackity is staring at him and Wilbur pulls away unlacing their hands.

"Sorry, you have class right?" he asks.

Quackity nods, "this evening, first exam..."

"You'll do good" Wilbur tries to hype him up.

"Mmm... maybe" Quackity shrugs, "I'm gonna go walk around outside for a bit ok?"

"Ok" Wilbur watches him grab his sweatshirt and walk out the door. He sighs and lays back on his bed.

He really hopes Quackity says yes, even though he's already give an obvious yes by his body language Wilbur wants to hear it come out of his mouth.

Quackity POV

He steps outside and takes a big breath. He doesn't really know where he's gonna walk to so he stands there awkwardly.

He still feels extremely warm from the encounter with Wilbur and he enjoyed it even though he knows he shouldn't be making out with someone that isn't his boyfriend...

Isnt his boyfriend yet.

He can't decide what to do, the majority wants to say yes so badly but he doesn't want to just rush into it. He remembers his last relationships with a sting and those ones didn't last. He doesn't want to get hurt again but he also knows he needs someone to love him like that to be more happy.

He can't get that from Karl and Sapnap now either because they are too wrapped up in each other, Quackity hasn't seen them for a while.

He should be focusing on his exam but his mind is only thinking about Wilbur, and what it would be like to actually date him. There would be so many kisses and hugs and the gentle and subtle touches that the taller male does, Quackity could cuddle with him in his bed every night...

He's very conflicted but he really wants to...

Couldn't it be worth it to risk the pain, if it's just to feel those feelings for someone again... And Wilbur isn't openly toxic like some of the other people Quackity had dated that had red flags. One in particular that still haunts him...

He starts to walk down the road still thinking to himself, of course he isn't looking at his feet so in the next moment he slips and crashes down on the cement pathway.

"What the..." he curses to himself and picks himself up embarrassed.

And of course when he looks up he sees Skyler, Wilbur's friend. He's standing there with his girlfriend and the two are staring at Quackity as he staggers up checking his hands for scrapes.

"Hey" he waves a little to Skyler.

"Hey" Skyler replies, "how's it going short guy?"

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