Fauna Millstock was an interesting character, immediately disliked by the majority of the citizens of the district. She was different; she disliked the scent of the ocean and the taste of fish. She wore odd outfits and spoke loudly, muffling any other voices that wished to be heard. She wasn't a bad person, she never spoke badly of the districts or insulted a tribute, but her odd behaviors caused her to become an outcast whenever she visited the district, a topic of conversation within the pubs when the gossip fell short.

She stood with pride, overlooking the potential tributes of District Four as she engaged the mayor within a conversation. An absurd wig sat upon her head, a deep blue color that reminded me of the bubbles within the ocean. She stuck out like a sore thumb against the waves of people standing within the market square, whispering voices criticizing her looks and attitudes as she stood oblivious.

My gaze wandered, landing upon the table where all the past victors sat. District Four, being a Career district, had plenty of victors, unlike the lower districts, where apparently District Twelve only had a single living victor. There were a variety of ages, skills, backgrounds, all sharing the burden of blood upon their hands.

Finnick Odair immediately piqued my interest. He had always been handsome, but had also been kind and funny and brave and perfect. Girls would swoon after him long before they learned about his involvement in the Training Academy, catching his muscular arms and singing sweet songs of praises towards him in an attempt to catch his attention. Finnick handled the attention well, never letting it get to his head, merely thanking the girls before removing them from his limbs, and bidding them goodbye.

Mags Flanagan sat beside him, moving her hands in motion while capturing his attention. She was mute, having supposedly suffered from a stroke several years before. Her language of communication had always intrigued me, the ability to say so many things using nothing more than the very same fingers that I used to fish each morning. Finnick had been taught the art of sign language when he first moved to Victors Village, and was often used as a translator for Mags when it was needed.

I jolted as I noticed Mags' attention release itself from Finnick, capturing me with her warm eyes. A crinkled smile fell upon her lips, her finger temporarily pointing to herself before cradling her arms, rocking them as if she were holding a baby. Finnick followed her gaze, his expression turning sorrowful for a moment as registered who I was, before a warming smile came upon his face. I mirrored, eventually pulling away, cheeks reddened with embarrassment at having been caught with my gaze lingering on them.

Ophelia soon found me within the crowd, flaunting her dark green bouffant dress, white gloves coiling around her lower arms like snakes. Her blonde hair had been styled, ringlets dropping over her shoulders precisely, in such a way that mimicked the Capitol's own style.

"Hey Bay," she greeted, placing her gloved arm upon my bare arm. "You won't believe what Pa said after you left. He thinks you're going to lose the Games and bring shame to our district. I argued though, because I'm such a great friend, and told him about how you can wield all sorts of weapons and how you're definitely going to win."

"I'm not that great at wielding weapons," I argued, feeling slightly self conscious at the idea of being criticized behind my back. "You just think I am because you can't do it yourself. Besides, District One and Two have bigger and better academies than us."

Ophelia shrugged at the information. "And? District Four has had victors before," she said, gesturing to the Victor's Table. Fortunately, both Mags and Finnick had returned their attention towards one another. "Do you know who the male tribute will be?"

"Triton Blackwood." He was infamous within the Training Academy, for his strength and agility, as well as his intimidating build and ability to remain detached through all circumstances. He was recognised by the entirety of District Four as a Coal Child.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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