Chapter 2

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"I am very sorry, Madam." 

Chloe winced. Why is everyone bloody apologising?

"I have checked the system and the tracking indicates your baggage has not arrived at the airport." She tapped at the keyboard once more. "Fortunately, it looks like it's still at Heathrow."

"Fortunately?" Chloe closed her eyes for several long seconds, attempting to find the elusive calm but failing miserably.  Finally, she muttered, "For fucks sake."

"Again, I am very sorry, Madam."

Chloe grimaced. Why can't things just go to plan?

Instead, she had been apologised to so many times in the past ten minutes that the words were starting to lose their meaning. She didn't want an apology. She just wanted her things. Yet, even first-class tickets didn't exempt her from flight delays and lost baggage.

"If you can fill in the lost baggage form and provide forwarding information, we will ensure your suitcase is delivered to the hotel as soon as it is located."

Her stomach lurched.

"Is that it? Are you actually fucking kidding me?" Chloe groaned loudly, her fingertips digging into her temples as she attempted to grind away the tension headache.

The change was instant. The woman's painted smile remained in place but it turned brittle. She stood taller, her chin lifting in defiance as if preparing for a battle. A battle that would never come.

Instead, Chloe's shoulders slumped.

It was meant to be a trip of a lifetime. It was supposed to be a chance to rest and recuperate. Yet it already felt like a bloody disaster.

She should be excited. Happy. She should be enjoying the trip of a lifetime with her best friend.. Instead, Chloe was deflated, defeated, and completely alone.

I just want to go home.

Chloe rested her elbows on the counter. Then, with a sigh, she dragged her hands tiredly over her face. The remnants of her makeup smeared down her cheeks in the process. 

"I'm sorry, that was rude of me."  Chloe said, taking a deep breath before offering a weary smile. "I know you're just doing your job. It's just this is my first trip abroad in five years and it's all going to shit." She winced. "Shit, I'm sorry. Oh, God. Sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm going to have to put so much money in the swear jar when I get home."

The woman's lips twitched up, the hint of a genuine smile breaking through, before she swiftly fell back into her mask of professionalism. "We aim to return the baggage to you within twenty-four hours but, depending on the circumstances, it could take longer. You can track your baggage claim via the app or our website."

Chloe swallowed. "Great. Wonderful."

She sighed and accepted the single sheet of paper.


God, she was going to have to watch herself when term started back up again or she'd be getting complaints from parents.

Chloe tugged at the neckline of her long-sleeved t-shirt before glancing down at her body. "24 hours?"

"That's our aim."

"In the meantime, what am I supposed to do? I have no clothes. I'm not exactly dressed for the weather."

Chloe waved at her jeans and trainers. She was dressed for a British Summer. It had been fifteen degrees and cloudy when she had left home. There had been a tactical change of clothes in the front pocket of her suitcase. The very same suitcase that was still in Heathrow, or possible on its way to anywhere right now.

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