Chapter 1

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|Somewhere with team Hebi-Taka|

"Sasuke sorry to break it to you but I am not god.Look at this person he is dying.I am trying my best but believe me it is a matter of days before we will need to bury him." Karin said looking directly at her "secret love".

So there they were.At their secret hideout some kilometers away from a small village in the middle of the five nations.Akatsuki gave them orders to capture one guy with really special fighting abilities.Sasuke's team was prepared to fight him when this person lashed at them.None of Sasuke's teammates expected that he could be that strong.So by trying to capture him by fighting him, it resulted in giving him a fatal would.Now they have taken him in their hideout.Karin was ordered by Sasuke to heal this guy so they could take him to the Akatsuki but due to this fatal hit he is ready to die.This person's name in Yoshiro.

"I took you into this team because I thought that you would be capable of handling medical issues." Sasuke responded coldly to her glaring at her to death.It was true that Karin would do everything to please Sasuke but healing a person that is almost dead was beyond her abilities.He gave him to bite her arms,her neck and finally her chest but nothing worked.

"You don't get it!He is practically dead and all you do is giving away orders.If you think about it you were the one who did this to him so why don't you try to fix it yourself?" these words were enough to piss him off to the state that he pinned her to the wall with his katana against her neck.

This girl was trully stupid though as it seems.Fistly she pissed him off to this level and now she feels aroused by him pinning her against the wall.She clearly seemed to ignore completely the fact that one move and the katana would slice through her neck.She was now trying to take advantage of the situation.

"Come on Sasuke-kun...You wouldn't.." she said in a seductive voice trying to make him respond to her actions.Sasuke was becoming more angry that aroused by her voice,her actions her whole being.

"Hey kar-" Suigetsu words' were interrupted by seeing this scene.As an idiot he completely misinterpreted the situation."Sorry guys,continue like nothing happened" he said with a sly smile on his face and made a step to leave the room.

"Wait" he heard his leader's cold voice.Suigetsu turned back to see that the situation was all changed.Sasuke was standing some meters away from Karin and she was glaring Suigetsu for "ruinning" the moment still ignoring the true situation she was in.

It was the moment that Sasuke sheathed his katana and placed in back at his waist when Suigetsu understood that he interrupted the near execution of Karin.He then smirked and looked at Karin only to see her glaring."Karin this Yoshiro person start gasping for air.I think he's dying" and Karin actually flied out of the room.

"Ne Sasuke..What will we do if that dude dies?He will if this going on.This useless bitch is not capable of saving him" Suigetsu said hearing Karin growling by the other room."I don't know.If he dies he is dead there is nothing we can do." he said in his cool cold voice leaning on the wall Karin was pinned on some moments ago.

"Actually these is something we can do." Karin said standing in the door gaining both of the guys' attention."It is said that there is a girl in Konoha who can ressurect dead people.They call her Konoha's princess.The best medical ninja in the five nations." Karin explained to them.

Sasuke thought immediately Tsunade.She was the one who was carrying the title 'Best medical ninja' but on the other side he couldn't be sure."Senju Tsunade?" Sasuke said trying to confirm his theory."Actually her best student.Haruno Sakura I think" Karin said leaving Sasuke with a blank look on his face.

'Sakura huh?' he thought with a internal smirk."These are just rumors but we can check it out.We could ask info about her current location and capture her." Karin explained further about what they could do.She didn't like Sasuke's blank look though.This look meant that he was suprised or deep in thoughts.They definetely needed this girl but what if she was an ex?or an acquintance Karin thought.She despised the idea of another girl around him.

"Karin is this chick strong?" Suigetsu said clearly interested.He was sick of seeing Karin's face all the time but if this girl was strong and cute it would make a difference."Unfortunately yes.They say she is an ANBU captain which means she is a high-leveled ninja." Karin said satisfied by Suigetsu's interest.If that girl and Suigetsu had something she would stay away from Sasuke.

Speaking of the devil his blank look became as blank as it could possibly be.'Sakura a captain?' he thought more interested.It could be interesting seeing baby Sakura developed at this level but on the other hand what if she asked for something in exchange.He going back.

"I'll go ask for information on her and we will go to capture her" Sasuke stated leaving the room.His two teammates were kind of trouble by Sasuke's sudden interest.

'Let's see what she got' Sasuke thought mentally chuclking.

So that's it.Hope you liked the start.No Sasusaku for this chapter it would be too big.I will try in the next.Please review♥

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