Talent show?

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(i drew this pic btw)

3rd Person POV:

Without knowing, Toya and Akihiko started a conversation. Akito quickly came running at them and dragged Toya away. „Have you gone crazy? I told you not to talk to him! Do you even listen to me?", Akito shouts.

„I-Im sorry...", Toya looks at the floor with guilt. „He seems like a good person so... I thought I could befriend him or something... sorry..."

Akito sighs. „Don't apologise, I was just worried and stupid and I thought I had to protect you from everything"

„It's okay, I appreciate that someone cares for me", Toya smiles, causing Akito to blush again. Suddenly, Akito pulls Toya into a deep hug, burying his head into Toya's shoulder. Toya hugs him back and pats his head, making Akihiko burn in jealousy (Haha deserved). (Bro this is so gay hlep)

After PE, Akito and Toya walked to the lockerroom and began changing. Toya felt a uncomfortable gaze on his back, but he shrugged it off. As they were walking in the hallways, talking about everything possible, they suddenly see a talent show poster.

„Hey Toya, what do think of performing together? Remember us singing together a lot as kids?", Akito asks with sparkling eyes.

„Oh, that would be great... but if my dad finds out-"

„Who cares about your dad? He cant force you to play the violin and piano. Didn't you manage to rebel against him once?"

„But it still had concequencces... what if we can never see each other again? You know he doesn't like you..."

„That wont happen, trust me. Soo... what song do we want to sing? Oh, and there are two slots for two more performances. Do you want to preform alone? That would be soooo cool! I could cheer for you in the crowd! I'm going to be in the first row!", Akito says while grinning.

„Uhm I-"

Before Toya could answer Akito writes their names in and Toyas name alone on the last slot.

„Hey, let's sing Aun no beats!", Akito suggests.

„Hehe... okay", Toya smiles. He's never seen Akito this excited.

„What do you want to sing?"


„How about ,Alter Ego'? I heard you sing it once and I was pretty impressed" (IM LITERALLY DYING FOR HIS COVER OMGOMGOMG)

„H-huh? You think so?", Toya hides his face.

„Yes, of course! You were amazing"

„Thank you", Toya smiles.

Now they both were blushing. They finally left and wrote Toya's name into the last slot. Little did they know that someone was watching them. They quickly took a picture of the poster and left.

Author's note:
Ik this chapter was pretty short I hope u enjoyed! :)

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