Chapter 1

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Sundrop and Moondrop were called down to parts and service for something long awaited by the two : The day they each got their own bodies. Moon had been nagging parts and service about it for months because Sun was too afraid to turn off the lights when he was supposed to since the sun-themed animatronic can't see in the dark. When the two got down to parts and service, Moon forced himself into control and stretched. "Alright, where do we need to go." He was pointed to the protective cylinder and laid down, then giving his co-worker control of their body once again.

Sun looked over, seeing another operating chair across from him that had another unpowered animatronic with the same build as him and Moon. The technicians soon came over and flipped Sun's power switch, causing him to go unconscious.

Hours later, it was done. Sun opened his eyes and tried to communicate with Moon, but he wasn't there. The sun-themed animatronic sat up and looked around, then seeing Moon laying on the chair next to him. His eyes lit up warmly; he's never gotten to see Moon before unless it was in their mindscape. Moon was soon powered on as well and he looked over at Sun, frowning slightly. He wasn't as interested in getting to see Sun as Sun was him.

The technicians soon shooed them off since they had to fix some staff bots that Monty destroyed for the third time this week. It's only Tuesday. When the two got to the daycare, Moon immediately took off so that he could get away from Sun. They've been stuck together for years inside their heads and Moon would take any chance he could right now to stay away from Sun. Sun didn't care for Moon much either at the moment, but at least he wanted to try and get along.

(A/N : I hope you guys like this so far! I'll be trying to post regularly for this story and hopefully my other book, Royals. Have a great rest of your day or night guys!)

(Word count : 311)

Meteor Shower (Sun X Moon Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن