| Chapter 1 |

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The Easton Magic Academy is a very prestigious school, known to be historic and has produced numerous mages that have become pillars of the Magic Realm. But just like any other school, it also has a break period between school years, which it currently is. Very few students were still around the campus, as most of them have gone home to spend their vacation with their families. You were one of those that remained in school, knowing that only criticism awaits you at your family home.

The entrance exam for the coming school year was near, and you wondered what kind of students would be admitted this time. As you've been studying at Easton from the very beginning of your magic studies, you know a lot of students and people in the academy, including a certain Finn Ames.

"Whoa— What happened to you, (Y/N)?" The young man gasped out worriedly when he saw you. He was coincidentally walking by as you walked out of the school infirmary covered in bandages and your robes tattered.

You smiled nervously at him. "Well, uh... I got caught up in a fight with a criminal."

"Seriously?! That's scary!" Finn exclaimed, eyes wide with fear evident on his face.

You nodded. "Luckily your brother came in time before I got killed."

"My brother, huh..."

It was just moments ago when you were in a battle against the fire-wielding criminal, but you already felt a lot lighter ever since the encounter with a certain Divine Visionary. You remembered his words, and it gave you a lot of strength to continue working hard to get stronger.

"By the way, the new school year is close. We're going to be First-Year students soon." Finn uttered, successfully beginning small talk as you both walked through the hall. You two weren't that close, but he has been your classmate for several years already and would talk from time to time. He mentioned that he didn't go home during the break so he could continue training his magic in the academy, which you found admirable.

Before long, you had separated and you were back to your own dorm room. Despite the new school year not starting yet, Continuing Students such as yourself and Finn have already been sorted to the dormitories, but you didn't have a roommate just yet. It was quiet, and the rays of the sunset zoomed through the window as you entered. Sighing tiredly, you threw yourself down on your bed and thought back to the events of the day.

"Why not? You have a uniquely promising magic."

You remembered his words, which brought a smile to your face. Rayne Ames's cold look flashed in your mind, and you started to wonder about him. You knew him from the very first time he entered the academy, as he was famous and students would talk about his talent and skills from time to time. You never talked to him though, and the encounter earlier was the first time officially meeting each other. The fact that he already knew you as well, made you feel elated.

"To be noticed by someone so distinguished, I feel so unworthy." You chuckled to yourself, smiling bitterly as your thoughts began to wander to the negative side again.




Being the youngest in your family and the only girl among siblings, you were compared a lot to your three elder brothers who all had talent and strong magical abilities. Unlike you, they have all made a name for themselves, especially your eldest brother, Ryoh Grantz, the Captain of the Magic Security Forces. Even so, unlike your two other brothers, Ryoh has always been nice to you. He was the only one that treated you nicely and like a younger sister, even despite your huge age gap. You started studying a year late for your age since your father didn't think it was worth putting you in Easton, but your brother convinced him otherwise. Unfortunately, ever since becoming a Divine Visionary, he's been thrice as busy and you barely see each other anymore.

Right Through his Heart (A Rayne Ames x Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now