first day

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I walk into the building, the halls are lined with lockers and doors, a place of education. a school, the school I now go to... how do I feel about this? it seems rather empty, is that normal? 

one of the staff members walk up to me, their name is Ms. Budrick, she said she would take me to the principal's office to figure out the class I was supposed to be in... once there, what I can only assume to be another student introduces themself. they have strawberry blonde hair that goes to their chin and had a cheery and light persona, and green eyes. 

"Hi! I'm dexter, I'm here to show you around the school." he holds out his hand for me to shake, I notice his wrist unusually red... seemingly was bleeding. I shake his hand, its probably not something that needs to be brought up..., "thank you" I respond.

"So, what's your name? you never told me." ... he was right, I forgot formalities. "My name is Paris; I apologize for not indicating that sooner" he looks at me strangely "Paris? like the place?" I shake my head, "not my father named me after the puppet "Paris" made by the famous toymaker that went by the name of Ivan. strange choice but wasn't mine to make." 

"Oh." we then walk in silence the rest of the way to the class.

it was a standard looking room, with educational items.

all eyes were on myself, I... don'

one person in particular, pale porcelain skin and mouth bent into a cheshire smile, dotted with freckles, a glare like none other, with piercing green eyes, peering through glazed clear glass,  and dark licorice hair tied up in a bun. to me a sinister glare.

this person stuck out to me, I don't like this situation, to many strangers. 

I rush from the room and outside, I probably confused everyone, but that person, they looked like they wanted to kill me... calm down, think, 

I cant think, 












(writers note): hey guys! Sorry I disappeared from Wattpad in general for a long time, wasn't my intention, I was planning and organizing things out better so there weren't as many fillers than there where. hope you don't hate me, bye little beans! <3

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