Apple of his eye-Aemond targaryen

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@ultraintrovertedgryffindor - Tumblr

You knew how important this job was. You knew this was the only way to support your family.

At first, having the prince constantly compliment you and eye you up and down gave you great confidence in yourself. No man had ever had such an intense interest in you, so to have a prince have an interest felt amazing. But you quickly started to regret ever feeling special being treated this way.

You failed to realize how forceful and barbaric the young prince could be. You had heard the rumors of course, but he seemed so nice to you. But from behind closed doors, the prince subjected you to such painful actions. You so desperately wanted to tell someone, but you knew such slanderous accusations, true or not, would be asking to be beheaded for treason. So you stayed silent, discreetly taking the teas prescribed and trying your best to avoid the prince at all costs. Although, you couldn't hide or refuse when he started to order you to his chambers.

Despite being well paid for your work, you started to feel like it wasn't even worth it. How much longer could you take prince Aegon's torture while maintaining your sanity? You wondered how much trouble you'd be in if Aegon ever started to get bored of you, or if you started to refuse him. Surely, a man like him, he'd paint himself in the best light and make you out to be the villain. You didn't have any good options.
There came a point when you realized your dalliances with the prince were not as big of a secret as you previously thought. You knew his wife knew, she had walked in on you and him one night. It was so humiliating, but you still felt worse for her. She was so innocent, she didn't deserve a husband like Aegon. And you knew the younger prince, Aemond, knew.

You were serving the family's dinner one night. You felt sick to your stomach as Aegon smirked darkly at you as you set a plate down in front of him, but you just tried to avoid eye contact. As you went to pull away after setting down a plate in front of Aemond, he gently grabbed your forearm to keep you in place. You looked at him in shock for a brief moment before looking around the table to see if anyone was looking at the two of you, but everyone was preoccupied with their dinner.

You winced quietly as Aemond lifted up your sleeve, revealing a large bruise almost in the shape of a hand. You heard him let out a hum of disapproval, and for a moment you feared he would berate you, but all he did was let go of your arm and waved you off.
Later that night as you were getting ready for bed, a soft knock on your door shocked you out of your nightly habits. You smiled as you opened the door to greet one of your fellow servant girls. "From the young Prince, miss." She said, handed you a bowl of cold water with a rag hanging off the side, passing you a note along with it.
You set the bowl on your bedside and read the note.

For your bruise - Aemond.

You felt a blush rise to your cheeks, setting down the note on your pillow as you situated the cold compress on your forearm, feeling the swelling of your bruise already go down slightly. You didn't really know prince Aemond, he was a mystery to most, especially you. He was prone to violence, quiet but blunt, and not the nicest, his eyepatch making him even more intimidating. So why was he being nice to you? Perhaps he knew what his brother was and he took pity on you. Either way, you were grateful and made a mental note to thank him the next time you saw him.

The next morning at breakfast, you served prince Aemond with a note placed under his plate that simply said, thank you. You could see the side of his mouth tick up in a small small that no one would notice if they weren't paying attention, but you were.
The joy you felt that morning quickly disappeared once prince Aegon called you to his chambers that night. You felt disgusting, only useful when the future king needed to get off. You hated everything. You felt the tears fall down your cheeks copiously as you limped back to your quarters slowly, trying to hold them in but failing miserably. Your vision was so blurry that you didn't even notice a figure walking up to you until they called out your name.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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