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Everyday is the same. Wake up in the maids corridors. Get ready. Get out before sunrise to make sure that everything is in order.

I walked through the long hallways. I had the prince's breakfast in hand.

I knocked three times. I heard shifting.

"Who is it?"

His voice was groggy.

"Your breakfast my lord."

"Mm. Come in."

I opened the door. I saw the prince of Brooklyn laying in bed. The sunrise trickled in over his half nude body.

I didn't stare. Tried not at least. Until he got up. I watched him come over. Only in his trousers.

He glanced at the door, seeing that I had closed it behind me. He nodded, going to his washroom. Now was my time to sneak out.

"Do not even try leaving Elenor." I heard. I sighed.

He came out in a thin tunic, coming over to me. I took a step back.

"My lord I-"

"Do not walk away."

"It's daytime.."

The prince pulled me into a kiss. I melted, setting my hand on his chest.

He pulled away, looking at me.

"You sore after last night?"

"Steven!" I hissed as I stepped away.

I had kept a big secret. My secret was the prince. My secret could very easily get me killed.

He smiled. "Your legs are shaking."

I sat down on his bed. The bed I was in the night before.

"Stop treating me like a woman of the night." I said. He smirked, taking a berry off of his plate and popping it in his mouth.

"You are far from a woman of the night. You're my little secret."

"Steve." I whispered. "Enough. You do not know who is walking around right now."

He came over, pulling me into another kiss. He laid me back on the bed, continuing to kiss me.

I felt him climb on top of me on the bed. I carefully pulled away, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You must show self control. I beg of you."

He sighed, giving my cheek a kiss. "You're so angelic in this morning light." He whispered.

I sat up, carefully pushing him off.

It was hard to show self control. Some days just watching him sit there, my mind would wander.

I did not do much. I would just sit and wait for Steve to give me something to do. My orders were all from him.

But on days where he sat there, listening to his father, I would think about our nights. The way his skin was crawling on mine. His soft lips. His pain and pleasure. The way he would feel me, touch me, hold me.

I had nothing else to do with my life. My parents were dead. I was the only of my family. One of the rich families in the town taught me how to cook and clean. I was their maid. Eventually at one gathering between their family and the royals, Steve bought me.

I was almost a slave. But I had no choice. I had an income and a roof over my head.

And a man that loved me in secret.

"I have to leave." I said.

"Come here tonight."

"I cannot keep making excuses..."

"So then tell them that I called you here." He said.

I glanced at him. "You do realize that you're proving that you treat me as some sexual toy, correct?"

"We are adults. I do not care what anyone thinks."

"I could die from this. Your father could kill me."


"-yes Steve. You cannot go over the king." I said.

"I do not care. I'll hide you then."

I rolled my eyes. He pecked my lips before moving my chin to look at him.

"Do not worry. You're safe with me."

I nodded. "I can come tonight, but I need to rest. So no..anything."

"Are you about to be on your cycle?"

I nodded. "I'm going to leave."

"Yeah. I love you."

I smiled. "I love you too. Please do not stare or anything today."

"I can never promise that Elenor."

"Goodbye my lord."

He laid back on his bed, "you're killing me El."

Wait for the Signal: A Royalty Steve Rogers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now