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When I was two, my mom gave me a mirror. It was shaped like a pink crown with two drawers with heart shaped pink unusual looking diamond on them for accessories. I just loved it! When I Jane got it for Christmas, I knew the jolly holiday would be truly merry.

I still have it and have still loved it , for now I am 10 , I am interested in my iPhone more than my mirror. I like sports and school. Especially when my Best friend Kellie is around!

By the way this one is for you Kellie!

Yeah she has been my friend since grade 4 but we still are best friends. Her full name is Kellie De Guzman. We always had good times together and before summer vacation it was of the HOOK! But sadly I don't have enough time to tell you the whole thing.

Yesterday I had to go to school and mom forced me to go to sleep early. I hate it when I have to sleep early and No thanks to mom, I had a very bad night since I didn't even sleep and if I even closed my eyes the sudden shock of pain woke me up like a dead Zombie!

LOL(laugh out loud!!!)

Some thing tells me tomorrow is going to be a big day!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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