The Volleyball Game

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Everything was uneventful for the rest of the day. At lunch I had told Trish I was going to the game and she was more than excited.

At the end of the school day, Trisha dragged me to the court where the students all sat waiting for the game to begin. 

"Okay don't freak out but remember that office aid that totally has a crush on you." I nod confused where Trish was going with this. "I may had invited him to sit with us during the game." I frown, I really didn't want to be around Noah, his entire vibe for some reason was strange. I felt uneasy around him and I didn't like it.

"Okay you are totally not freaking out and why is that?" Trish says looking at me.

I frown some more, "I don't really care if he sits my us, just have him sit next to you. Noah gives me a strange vibe." 

"Strange vibe? Noah! You guys talked! Of course that's why he wanted me to save a seat for him! He is totally crushing, the strange vibe you are feeling around him is your heart telling you that you are in love!" She exclaimed. I looked around quickly quieting her.

"It's not that." I mumble. Looking down.

"Hey Clara and Trisha! Thanks for saving me a seat!" Noah says coming to sit right next to me. I look to Trish for help but she only smiles and cheerfully says, "I'm going to get snacks! Save my spot won't you Clare!" She says taking off before I could stop her.

I sit in the overcrowded gym, feeling like I want to throw up right next to the strange guy that wouldn't leave me alone.

"You feel like your going to throw up." Noah says casually smiling at me.

I whip my head around to him, "What?" I ask confused.

"Happened to me too, whenever you are around a large group of people. You feel for some reason that you want to throw up. If I didn't know to look at you, I wouldn't have been able to tell. You sit there and hide it so well." He says with that annoying tooth grin on his face.

"What do you know?" I ask annoyed.

"I know that you have questions. Like why your parents force you to wear.." Noah paused leaning closer, "contact lenses." He says backing away more from my ear.

I pause feeling more vomit want to come out. My parents nah, my dad he always told me stories of what would happen if anyone knew my real eye color. Never telling me the same reason twice, always something different. 

Pink eyes can be seen as a sickness, people would think you were contagious or pink eyes is what kids would constantly call you because you are different. But hearing Noah tell me that the secret I've been hiding my entire life was coming to life I panicked. I grabbed his hand looking him in the eyes, "I don't know what you are talking about. My parents don't force me to do anything. You got it wrong." 

Noah stares at me even when I let go before he repeats me, "I don't know what I'm talking about." He starts and I stare at him confused, "Your parents don't force you to do anything. I am wrong." He says before furrowing his brows and looking down.

Trish comes back a while later with a three hot dogs and chips. She hands one to me before going over to hand one to Noah. When Noah doesn't grab or look up Trish calls his name, "Noah! Noah!" He snaps up before smiling at Trish and taking the chips and hot dog. 

"Thanks" He says smiling. Noah and Trish start having a conversation as I watch the players finish warming up. The whistle blows and the guys volleyball game begins. The vomit feeling only gets worse as the game is tied throughout. Half-way through I tell Trish that I didn't feel that well and was going to head home. She nodded and allowed me to leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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