Chapter 3

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Ayden’s POV:

I was shocked. Did she know black magic? I had no time to think less than 30 seconds before she jumped and tackled me to the ground. Knock the wind out of me. This girl was strong.

She placed the hand that glowed black on my forehead and started chanting random words.

I tried to push her off but she held me there. The chatting was loud and my body started to hurt. She then screamed. I kicked her off of me and I realised one of the dolls had a lighter.

I realised they were all off the self and were around the room, the one that had burned her was Josh.

She was blinded by her own rage and picked Josh up by his hood and threw him across the room.  He hit the wall with a thump and one of the others ran over to him. It was cute but I was on adrenal and still freaked out.

“You’ll pay for this.” Olivia yelled.

The place Josh had burned her with the lighter started to bleed. She then limped out of the room and slammed the door shut.

My adrenal had started to wear off and my whole body started to ache. But the worst was my head. I stood up and waited to regain my balance. I walked over to the door to see if I could open it.

It was locked from the outside. I sighed and turned around. Josh was still on the floor but William was trying to stand him up.

I start to walk around the room looking for something to help explain what just happened. I then spotted a chest in the corner of her room. I walk over to the chest  to examine it more.

It was a large wooden chest. The wood was dark and was smoothed and polished. It has steel on its side and on the pieces that meet to form  the front of it. I lowered my hands to the lid and I lifted it. There was a little struggle but when I opened it I was shocked.

Inside the chest were lots of weapons. Guns, knives, axes and lots of other things that a girl her age shouldn't have. I continue to look through the chest. I take a black and red switchblade and I pocket it for self defence when Olivia gets back. I then question if I’m really going to stab a little girl, but I continue to look through the chest. Then something catches my eye. It was a bag full of IDs.

I turn away from the chest and pour the IDs onto the floor. As I looked through them I noticed something similar. Some of the names match the dolls in the room with me. I then started looking for the other names. I then had a small pile of their names that matched the dolls in the room. I then continue to look through the pile. There were a lot more IDs than the dolls in  the room and most did not look like people I've seen in our small town.

“Dose, Joe, Ames, Alana, Amber” I mumbled to myself as I looked at the cards. Then an idea hit me. I grabbed the small pile I had set aside and stood up off the floor. I started walking over to Josh and William, then I shuffled through the pile till I found both their IDs then I placed the cards in front of them.

Once the ideas were in front of them. Both the cards and Dolls glowed. Behind me the others had started to whisper.

They whisper things like "Can he do it?" and "Can he save us?"

I turn around and walk over to the other Dolls and place their IDs in front of them. Like before after they got their IDs they glowed.

Each had a distinctive glow






What connection did these IDs have to them... Something clicks as I continue to think.. If Olivia had finished her spell I would have become like them.. She succeeded for them and probably failed for the rest of the people IDs and she just kept them. My mind then returned to the IDs. What was their connection..

Word Count: 725

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