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I wake up to the sun shining in my face, I strain my eyes open to see Derek sitting on the staircase holding a book. MY BOOK. I stand up quickly only to fall down on my ass, he looks up confused and right back to the freaking book. Some girl gave me that book a month ago and I haven't read it but I know what it's about. "Careful there, you lost a lot of blood yesterday. Anyway why do you read this kinda of books?"

I stand up again slowly and limp over and grab the book, "it's not mine. Someone put it in my bag a couple weeks ago" I sit down behind the desk by the huge window, "how long do you plan on keeping me here."

"You never told me your name" he says as he ignores my question. "Luna, my name is Luna. Now answer my question." He lets out a small groan as he gets up, "well Luna, you'll be a staying here for a while. I have to keep an eye on you"

"You know you guys have no idea what you're dealing with" he chuckles, "I'm not talking about me, the Oni, this thing that is haunting Stiles. Someone is going to die" and your asses could use my help. "How I'm I supposed to believe you when you've been killing people" I stand up and go to the bathroom and slam the door. I can feel my chest tighten and my breath get caught in my throat. I slide down to the floor, I hate feeling like this. I need my pills.

I stumble out of the bathroom holding my chest, I try going through my bag but my pills are gone. Damn it. I throw the bag against the wall, "where are they" I say as I fall to the floor. My legs are getting way too weak and vision gets blurry, "hey hey hey" he pulls me up in his arms. "Calm down, you have to breathe." He puts me down on the bed and makes me cross my arms over my chest.

"My medicine" the door swings wide open and Stiles runs over, pushing Derek away. "What the hell did you do to her." I tag on his shirt shaking my head, "it wasn't....him." As I try to breathe, "you have to hold your breath. It helps" so I try, I'm trying but it hurts but I'm starting to calm down. After a few seconds I calm down, my eyes go straight behind him and I see the face that makes me wanna go insane. Peter Hale, he stares back down at me as if he's seen a fucking ghost.
I get up and throw him against the wall, "you son of a bitch." He gets up laughing and I launch at him again breaking his ribs, "someone get her off me" I punch him in the face before Derek and Scott pull me off. "Are you crazy? What are you attacking me for?"

"YOU KILLED ME YOU BITCH" Scott lets me go and Derek just stares at me in shock with his hands still on my arms. I shrug him off, and attack Peter again. I punch him over and over again until his face is completely bloody, before Lydia gets me off of him. I look over and they're all staring at me, "you all wanna call me a killer. Go the fuck on, I could care less at this point." I grab my stuff shove them in my bag and walk out, I can hear Stiles yelling out at me but I just keep walking.

I don't even know where I'm going, I don't have any money or a house. I don't have anything, no family, no friends and now they think I'm a killer. This is just great, really. Good job Luna, good job. I sit on the side of the road on a bench, I can feel the tears rolling down my face. I wish my mom was here right about now, but that's not possible. "Hey, you shouldn't be out here by yourself." I look up to see an older guy with a cane and sunglasses, "leave me alone I'm not in the mood for this bullshit."

"How do you know I'm not trying to help you" he sits next to me, "you have to control it Luna. Your father taught you well, you can't just loose control like that. You almost killed him." I turn my face to look at him again, "how do you even know about that? What, are you one of McCall's friends?" He chuckles, "you could say that."

"I can control it, I just don't get it. I was dead and then I was alive, it's like there's something different about me. I don't know what it is, my mom was the same. My dad said she was a different type of werewolf, I think that's bullshit."

"It's not, he was telling you the truth. Your mother came through a portal, she claimed she was from another universe or timeline where werewolves were different and she was cursed." I couldn't help but laugh, "that sounds like a story if you ask me" he takes his glasses off, "except it's not. I think that's why your wolf was triggered when someone killed you."

"Well next time I see him I'll definitely kill him too, we'll see if he can come back." I stand up, "where are you going?"

"I don't know, one of those 24hour cafes?" He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a key and hands it to me, "I'm not taking a hotel key from a guy I don't know." He stands up letting out a small sigh, "I was a friend of your dad's Deucalion, these are apartment keys. The second set is for your car, I've been trying to find you. Your dad left you quite a lot of money kiddo, here." I take both of the keys, I look behind him and there's a white Jeep Wrangler parked a few steps away. "How will you get back" I ask him, "I have a friend coming to pick me up."

"It was you who was looking for Scott and Derek, wasn't it?" He slowly nods, "is he really the.." he smiles softly, "yes he is and my work here is done, now go home." So I was right Scott was the true alpha, great I acted like a complete crazy in-front of him.

REVENGE GONE WRONG [short story]Where stories live. Discover now