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"Don't worry I am here" Nicolas whispered to the little girl who stood in front of him, she was lost. In a way he was lost too, confused if you must, he had no idea what he wanted to do in life, he was scared to say the least.

But that was besides the point, he had a book manuscript to finish and here he was looking for the little girls parents, he had come to the bookstore looking for some inspiration when he stumbled upon the said girl, she had been sobbing while looking for her mom.

Nicolas bent at his knees and cupped the girls rosy cheeks, he then asked, "sweetheart do you know your moms phone number? I'll dial her up" the girl nodded as her blonde pony tail bounced up and down, she recited the number that she had learned by heart. Nicolas called her mother and explained to her where he was.

Not even two minutes later a young blond lady with tears in her eyes ran over to the pair, she thanked Nicolas with her whole heart and hugged her daughter, the lady who then introduced herself as Sara said ,"I am so so grateful to you, without you I don't think I would have gotten my little Esther back, I really want to return the favor, how about I pay for your bill here today?" Nicolas tried to decline but Sara insisted.

Originally he was going to buy a diary for notes and a few books but now he settled on just a diary as books were quiet expensive.

He walked down the hallway of the library towards the journal section as Sara waited at the register along with Esther, soon enough he stumbled upon a diary which looked like the perfect size, it had a brown leatherback cover and yellow pages, Nicolas had always wanted a vintage diary and this was exactly what he had envisioned.

He took the diary to the register and let Sara pay for it like she had said earlier, it was a pretty cheap purchase, only three dollars.

He bid goodbye to Sara and Esther and started walking to his apartment. About two minutes into his walk it started raining, out of reflex he covered his head with the newly purchased diary and ran home. He took deep breaths as he slowly approached his apartment.

Opening the door, he left the diary on the kitchen counter and went into his room for a change of clothes. As he walked back out after changing, his phone started ringing, it was his agent demanding the manuscript for his book, the deadline was approaching in a few months and he still hadn't figured out an ending.

Arguing with his agent was something which had become a part of his daily routine ever since his writer's block, he couldn't form words that went together to create full sentences and God was it frustrating.

Deciding to try again, he got his laptop and diary out, he read through the pages he had written a few weeks before and opened the diary to write down the plot holes he needed to fix but to his surprise the diary had already something written on it, he flipped through the pages and realized that there were sentences written on the wet pages but they were barely visible, it looked like yellow stains at first glance but the closer you looked the more they looked like words. Due to the rain they were more prominent than they were in the library as he had flipped through the diary before the purchase as well.

He could have easily written on top of the pages as the ink that was used to write in the diary was pretty light , but something stopped him, he couldn't get himself to write over the yellow stains but they weren't dark enough to read either.

Ignoring the manuscript he went on chrome and searched for answers.

After a bit of scrolling he found the solution, the ink used on the diary was of a blue light pen and in order to read it he needed blue light.

He had a book to finish but this seemed more fascinating and maybe reading this would help him write.

He decided to go the store the next day as it was raining outside, closing his laptop and the diary he turned off the light of his living room and walked to his room hoping to find some interesting stuff the next day.

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