Rora:  Thanks*went in*

At the kitchen

Rora:  Hmm, I'm tired

Asa:  *chuckle*I can see that

Rora:  *hug her by the waist*

Asa:  *hug her back*

Rora:  *hide my face on her neck*you smell nice

Asa:  Oh do I, maybe because I took a bath*joked*

Rora:  *laugh*your re-*saw her neck*umm hon, what is this? *point at her neck*

Asa:  Oh I don't know, I can't see you know

Rora:  *took out my phone and took a picture of her neck**show her*

Asa:  Oh, must be a mosquito bite, nothing much hon

Rora:  It doesn't look like mosquito bite to me*look at her seriously*who was here when I was away??

Asa:  No one, I was all alone, and texting with the tops

Rora:  Then what is this on your neck?

Asa:  I told you, it's just a mosquito bite

Rora:  Dont lie to me Enami Asa, I'm not a fool, tell me who did this to you??

Asa:  Ho-

Rora:  Don't calm me , Hon, tell me were you cheating on me with someone else?!!

Asa:  Babe, calm do-

Rora:  Don't tell me to calm down, I can't believe you, I loved you soo much, and*start to cry*fuck you asa*went out of the kitchen*

Asa:  Aish, fuck*go after her*

At their room

Asa:  *went in*dear*saw her crying on bed**went to her**sit beside her*dear

Rora:  Go away asa, don't talk to me

Asa:  Look, it's not what you think it is

Rora:  *Sit up*Then what is that on your neck?!!

Asa:  Babe it's just a pr-

Rora:  I told you to not call me that!!

Asa:  *kiss her lips*

Rora:  *try to push her*

Asa:  *hold her both hands with on hand, and one hand on her waist pullong her closer*

Rora:  *give up but doesn't response*

Asa:  *break the kiss*its a prank ok

Rora:  A what?, a prank?

Asa:  Yes I'm sorry

Rora:  Why would you*cried out hard*

Asa:  Im so sorry rora-yah

Rora:  I-i t-thought y-you don't l-love me any-more*sobbing*i thought you would leave me, f-for someone e-else

Asa:  Never ok, I'm sorry*hug her tight*

Rora:  *hug her back tight*

Asa:  *break the hug and look at her*well, you prank me yesterday and i wanted revenge, so i ask the tops, but i didn't thought it would go this way

Rora:  I'm sorry for pranking you yesterday

Asa:  And I'm sorry for pranking you, now should we watch some movies tonight and spend the time cuddling

Rora:  *nod cutely*

Asa:  *giggle on her cuteness**kiss her forehead*lets go


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