Chapter 15: No Mortals Allowed

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"Wait, Reyna." Asher said, pausing.


"Draco and Hermione are...mortals."

Reyna gaped. "How could I have forgot?"

"What do you see?" Asher asked Draco and Hermione.

"Um, a lot of buildings, some temples, people wearing armor..." Draco answered.

"If you can see Camp Jupiter, then that means you two are-"

"Demigods!" Hazel said, running over with Frank. "New demigods!"

"Hazel, these are the witches and wizards that I told you about." Reyna explained. She had iris-messaged them on the plane.

Hazel looked at them in curiosity. There was a moment of silence before Frank asked "Is it true you guys wave wands and wear pointy hats? And brew potions? And ride broomsticks?" 

Hermione and Draco burst out laughing.

"Yeah, it's all true!" Hermione said in between her giggles. Annabeth and Percy suddenly came over to see what the commotion was.

"Reyna, you're back!" Annabeth greeted, hugging her. Percy gave her a fist bump before turning to Draco and Hermione.

"So you guys are the new enchanters I've heard so much about!" Percy said. Hermione frowned.

"The correct term is witches and wizards. You obviously have never read Webster's Dictionary." Hermione said to him. 

"Ooh, that's my favorite book!" Annabeth said. Hermione looked delighted.

"Really? Well, have you read..." The rest of Hermione's sentence drifted off from their hearing range as she and Annabeth walked off, rapidly talking about books. They headed to Cyclops Books.

"Can I see your magic?" Hazel asked Draco. 

"Sure, but it might be best if we go somewhere else. It could get dangerous in a crowded place like this." Draco answered. They walked away. Frank grunted in annoyance at the sight of his girlfriend going somewhere with another guy.

"She has her own magic! Hazel can literally bend the mist! What's so cool about that guy's magic?" Frank ranted. 

"Yeah, I agree dude. Our girlfriends legit just left us. Let's swing by the Mess Hall, Changeling Lord.  I'm hungry." Percy responded.

"You're always hungry, Captain Salt Water." 

Once they left, Reyna turned to Asher. He slipped an arm around her waist.

"Finally. I feel like we haven't had alone time in forever." Asher said, kissing the top of her head. Just then, a radiant golden light shone through the window of Cyclops Books. Hermione stepped up, looking scared and stunned. There was a symbol of a glowing laurel wreath above her head.

"What's happening?" Hermione asked. Hazel and Draco came back, disturbed by the light.

"Hermione! There's something above your head!" Draco yelled, running over. He waved his arm around the symbol, trying to get it off.

"You've just been claimed, Hermione. You're a daughter of Victoria, goddess of victory." Reyna said. Hermione's mouth just dropped. 

Later that night, Reyna went over to the villa where Hermione and Draco were staying. She heard sighs. It was Hermione. Draco was already fast asleep.

"What's wrong?" She asked and sat down next to Hermione.

"I met a few of my siblings. I'm not anything like them! They're all into sports and games. And, if Nike's my mom, does that mean my mortal mom wasn't my real mom this whole time?" Hermione said.

"I think she was your step-mother. It must hurt to be lied to your whole life. But on the other hand, you fit in perfectly with the Victoria kids. You're competitive, you never settle for second best, and you never turn down a challenge." Reyna replied.

"I guess. But I wish it could've been Athena or something. One of the major, important gods."

"Don't worry about what already happened. Think about the bright side."

"Easy for you to say. You've got a cool power and your mom is a badass war goddess."

"Well, yeah. Anyway, who do you think is gonna be Draco's parent?" 

"Hmm, Mercury."

"Nah, I bet you ten drachmas it's going to be Pluto. He just radiates death, like Nico."

"Who's Nico?"

"Oh, you haven't met him yet! You will tomorrow. And you'll meet his boyfriend Will."

"Wait what? His boyfriend? He'" Hermione said, sounding very confused.

"Yes. Please tell me you at least respect that. Or else I'll have to murder you. Nico's like the little brother I never had, and if you hurt his feelings, I swear I'll-" 

"Of course I respect it! My aunt is bisexual."

"Ok then. Besides, Nico would probably murder you first. And then Will. And then me and Percy and Annabeth and Piper and Leo and Frank and-"

"OK! I get it!"

Worlds Collide( Sequel to Memories of You)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon