



where the hell is the bathroom. i have to piss right now.

it's not even funny. i just drank a shit ton of water earlier because i was hiccuping and now i can't even find the damn bathroom. im actually tweaking.

i limped around the hallway, trying to find the little directory poster that was in every hallway. it doesn't even help sometimes but I NEED TO PISS RIGHT NOW.

"wait i was just here..?" i heard somebody say in front of me.

oh it's bachira.

bachira meguru, otherwise known as mr.sleepy, was the little weirdo who decided to have a nap during the entrance exam.

he's an alpha, which means i'm probably going to try to distance myself away from him as much as possible. even if he wasn't an alpha, i'd probably still try to stay the fuck away from him. bro is in his own little world..

i'm not even gonna lie, why the fuck is he at blue lock? he should've been a gymnast with those crazy acrobatic moves he pulls off out of nowhere. hell, he could've done some flips while he was sleeping.

"oi bachira, you lost too?" i called out.

"oh l/n! i'm trying to get back to our room but i can't remember how to get there."

is he slow?

"i would help you out but i have to piss so badly right now. i can't even find the damn bathroom. do you know where it is?"

"the last time i tried to find the bathroom, i ended up in the cafeteria." he replied bluntly.

right, why am i even asking the guy who can't find our team's room?




i went into the weight room early in the morning. just to take a little peek and explore since i couldn't sleep.

one of the guys in the room snores like a dad and another is heavily breathing in his sleep. not to mention mr. sleepy who's sleep talking.. it's impossible to sleep in there.


i was surprised to see someone inside the weight room. the silhouette was in a perfect squat position with the barbell placed over their shoulders. talk about perfect form..

ah wait it's the greek god, kunigami.

kunigami rensuke, otherwise known as the greek god, was the bastard who was targeting me in the entrance exam the whole time. he's also the asshole who made me roll my ankle.

in summary, he is my opp.

as of right now though? i don't even wanna get close to him. why?

1. his alpha pheromones are engulfing the entire weight room.

2. his muscles are fucking bulging. i'm not gonna go fight someone i know i'm going to lose to.

3. i'm not gonna talk to the guy who thought that throwing me at bachira was a good idea.

i hope i'm never forced to interact with this bitch in the future.




i was in the training room, sitting on a bench while doing some lightweight training. just a few reps of curl-ups with the dumbbells couldn't hurt.

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