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I collapsed into my couch once I was done with my shower, and I was surfing through my phone aimlessly when I saw Sailub's message. I had informed him I was home, and he had replied with a smiley emoji.

I sighed as I just looked at his name. I tried so hard to think when I realized I was falling for him, and I think it may have been from the start. It just became stronger over filming, though we had our own onscreen partners.

When I realised he had pranked Nut and worse, Nut actually had some feelings for me. It made me so upset with him. Even Nut could tell I liked him, and that idiot couldn't!

Though I was quite taken aback when he wanted to discuss my feelings. But, nope, not ready to. I'm not ready to hear he doesn't feel the same way. It was obvious. I could see from the way he treated all of us. He saw all of us the same way, and there was no way in hell he would ever accept my feelings. It was best to shove it deep in the closet and pray it will eventually go away over time, then having him confront it with me and watching both of us fall into awkwardness.

I realized I was starving, but it was already 3am. Ugh. I went to poke around in my kitchen and only found fruit, so I was munching on it and flipping through IG when I saw Sailub post a boomerang of a bowl of fruits on his lap.

I immediately video called him, and we chortled over the fact that we were both starving fools who only had fruits in our kitchen.

"We really need to stock up our pantry, Sai!"

"But I don't even know how to cook. Why should I even bother? I just buy more crisps then."

"I can cook."

"Good for you, show off."

"Noooo. Maybe you can come over on days when we both end late. You can eat here then go home?"

"Will that work? Wouldn't it be inconvenient for you?"

"Better than you just eating crisps. P Aof will murder you for your horrible diet alone."

Sailub burst out laughing.

"You think? He really is like our dad sometimes."

"I know, right, and yet he's not that much older even."

Sailub and I chatted for a good 30 minutes more before we both just ended up falling asleep on the phone. I woke up around 7 am. when my alarm rang, only to find him snoring on the other end.

I laughed, and it woke him up!

"Oh my, did we end up falling asleep on the phone?"

"Uhh, uhh. We definitely did."

"Ugh. I'm so tired. I got filming in a bit, too. You?"

"Not today. I am going to go to the gym and then meet up with Benz and Pooh. We are going biking today."

"I see. Okays have fun. It's going to be a long day for me and Pon. We have some promotional activities to do."

I told him to stay safe, and we hung up. I got a quick shower, got changed for gym, and did a full good hour before going off to meet the boys.

There was another couple of hours of biking with them before I was done. It was close to 6 pm. when I saw my IG and realized Sailub's promotional mall activities were near me. I thought of dropping by to say hi.

I ended up going to the mall but quietly waited backstage for them. The boys finally ended their day at around 7.30 pm and came backstage. Sai was stunned to see me, but his smile said otherwise even though he kept nagging at me about spending my off day waiting backstage.

I just flicked him on his arms and chased him to go get his stuff whilst I waited. Once he came out with Pon, the 3 of us scooted off for dinner.

Pon and he shared a very close relationship, and it was very obvious. Pon kept leaning into him and holding onto him over dinner while we chatted, though Sai seemed nonchalant to it. I gritted my teeth quietly as I knew Sai only saw him as a colleague, but my little petty jealousy was just eating me up from within.

Once we were done with dinner, we all separated to go home. I thought Sai was going home with me, but he was going to drop Pon off. I nodded, waving both boys off, but the smile instantly dropped from my face once they left.

They were partners in the show, but it didn't mean they had to play partners in real life, too. GRR.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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