He offered Valentino a final nod—a silent assertion of the triumph to come—before he made his exit into the whirlwind of activity beyond the vehicle's doors. Valentino's gaze lingered on him as he departed, a blend of amusement and eager anticipation dancing in his eyes, intrigued by the drama Vox would soon unfurl.

As Vox stepped onto the street, the flashing lights of cameras and the murmur of spectators swelled into a crescendo of anticipation. His presence was electric as he strolled up the walkway towards the hotel, drawing eyes like a magnet as he confidently navigated through the crowd.

Fans and reporters made way for him, their excitement almost uncontainable, yet Vox didn't allow himself to be distracted by all the glittering lights and background noise. His sights were set on the main inhabitants of the Hotel, standing on the front steps as if gathered there to confront Vox and the unusual circumstances of his arrival. Their expressions ranged from wary to outright hostile, especially Alastor, whose aura crackled with scornful disdain.

Vox could feel the crimson-haired overlord's sharp gaze piercing through him like daggers, but Vox's electric grin didn't waver for a second, trying to appear unperturbed by the chilly reception. He continued to feel the sting of Alastor's gaze, and he could tell he was anticipating an unwelcome greeting from Vox. But much to Alastor's chagrin, Vox purposefully bypassed him entirely, directing his charm towards Charlie instead.

"Charlie Morningstar, what a pleasure it is to finally meet the visionary behind the Hazbin Hotel," Vox began, his smile gleaming with notorious levels of charisma. With a flourish of his hand, he extended it toward Charlie, who somehow felt obliged to take it, despite the emphatically suspicious glances from her companions.

With a firm, yet gentle shake of her hand, he offered her a warm chuckle, beaming from ear to ear as if he was truly delighted to meet the Princess. He quickly released her, moving on to greet the other members of the Hotel.

"And let's see... We also have the lovely Vaggie," he began. However, his attempt to extend the same level of courtesy was met with a cold shoulder, a testament to Vaggie's protective instincts and unwavering loyalty to Charlie and her cause. Vox's smile faltered only for a fraction of a second, a nearly imperceptible crack in his otherwise unflappable facade, before he redirected his attention to Angel Dust, his approach marked by a coy grin.

"Angel! Good to see you! Hehehe, so this is where you've run off to!" he teased, his voice carrying a playful undertone that clearly grated on Angel.

Angel, maintaining a cool exterior despite the provocation, offered a clipped, "...Uh-huh," clearly uninterested in engaging but visibly irked by Vox's proximity. His restraint was apparent; the presence of Vox, a direct link to Valentino, imposed a caution that tempered his response.

Vox, undeterred by the cold reception, continued with a casual shrug. "Kinda seems like a conflict of interest, considering your choice of profession..." he observed, seemingly oblivious or indifferent to the tension his words might stoke.

Yet, there was a gleam of genuine intrigue in his eyes as he added, "But I can always respect someone who's willing to improve themselves," he added with a hint of honesty, patting Angel supportively on the back, though the gesture only served to further irritate the spider.

"Ah, and the fastidious little Niffty," he cooed, bending down to meet her level with a friendly, albeit calculated smile. Niffty, however, was not swayed by his charm. With a huff, she turned her back to him, her arms crossed defiantly over her chest, signaling her clear rejection.

"I'm not supposed to talk to you..." she stated firmly, her back still to him, her voice carrying a mix of caution and resolve. Her words effectively cut through Vox's attempt to ingratiate himself, drawing a line that she was not willing to cross, despite his outward friendliness.

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